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"Here." Tomura unceremoniously threw an outfit at Todoroki. Todoroki could tell from the blue haired villain's glare that he wasn't too pleased about this, but that he couldn't say no for whatever reason.

Todoroki looked down at the outfit he had been thrown. It appeared to be a pale blue version of the outfit Izuku had been wearing at the USJ attack, a simple suit and helmet like mask. Some sort of uniform?

Tomura grunted and left the room. "Be quick." He yelled through the door, slamming it behind him.

"Aw, cheer up, dad!" Izuku said, playfully. "After tonight you'll have one of the top heroes out of the way."

Tomura glared at him. "If you succeed. Even will all of us and a nomu, we still didn't stand a chance against All Might."

Izuku giggled slightly. "Yeah, but Endeavour's a lot weaker than All Might, and he would want to hurt his masterpiece."

Tomura glanced at the helmet on the bar next to Izuku and narrowed his eyes. "You will wear your mask, right? You know what'll happen if you don't."

"Yeah, yeah. I either have to run from the heroes or get grounded, I know the rules. But, there's no rule saying Shoto has to wear his mask, right? Ow!" Tomura gently pinched Izuku's ear and glared down at him.

"There wouldn't be if you hadn't pulled that stunt earlier. I told you, Izuku, if either of you get caught, it'll be too easy to catch the other. He had to wear his mask as well."

Izuku tried to wriggle free and pulled on Tomura's hand. "Okay, okay, I got it. Can you let go now?" Tomura released him "What if we attack him in an area with noone else around, or her just does it quickly, for just a second, then puts it on again. Please, we'll fail if he doesn't."

"Fine, brat."

Izuku giggled and grinned innocently up at Tomura. "Aw, come on dad, you love me really."

"When are we leaving?" Came an emotionless voice.

Izuku looked up at Shoto with a grin. "Right now, of course. Kurogiri will teleport us to a nice, rural place and send Endeavour there with us." Izuku made eye contact with Tomura as he spoke. "That way, noone will be around so we won't have to hide our identities as much. It'll be a forest as well, making us harder to spot."

Shoto just nodded. "Sounds good."

"I have located the hero and sent hom to the desired location." Kurogiri appeared out a nowhere. Izuku nodded and grabbed Shoto's hand, leading him through the portal.

"Come on, Shoto, we have a hero to kill!"


Endeavour blinked at the sudden change of environment. Just a second ago, he had been in the city, fighting some thugs that had appeared out of nowhere then there had been a blur of purple, then, suddenly, he found himself in a forest.

His fire lit up the darkness, light glimmering over the leaves and bark that stretched out in front of him. He stepped forward and heard the snap of twigs underfoot. The sky also appeared to be darker than that of the city. Just how far had that villain warped him?

Twigs snapped again behind him and he turned to see a figure stepping through another swirling portal. The figure seemed to glance around at the woods and back at Endeavour, before an all too familiar voice rang out.

"A good choice of arena, don't you think,  father. Kurogiri chose a good spot."

Endeavour stepped back in shock, heterochromic eyes meeting his through a gap in the helmet, raw, burnt skin just visible to him.

"Sh-shoto? What're you talking about? Answer me!"

Shoto just laughed. "Isn't it obvious? I'm done with you! I refuse to put up with you anymore! And the league made me a nice offer. If I help them, then they'll help me kill you, or, rather, they'll dispose of your corpse!"

Shoto rushed at his father, summoning wave upon wave of ice and flames.

Endeavour defended himself, careful not to risk hurting Shoto too badly. There was no way this was real. Shoto must have been brainwashed, or something. He'd never chose to join the villains, right?

While the fight was going on, Izuku leapt from tree to tree, getting as close behind Endeavour as he could.

He held his knife carefully in his hand, making sure bot to cut himself. He didn't want to alert Endeavor to his presence, so he should avoid making loud sounds.

As he gracefully hopped from tree to tree, he watched the fight carefully. It was clear Shoto didn't stand a chance. He had less than a minute before the strain of using his quirk like that became too much. Izuku had to be quick, or the mission would fail.

Eventually, he found a tree that was close behind Endeovour that hadn't been burt down, and he positioned himself carefully, holding the knife in both of his hands as he waited for Endeavour to step back towards him.

Shoto noticed him, lying in wait, and launched a glacier at Endeavour, enough to push him back just a few inches before he could melt it all.

Izuku pounced.

His blade met flesh, cutting into the hero's back as if it were butter. Quickly, Izuku yanked it out again, letting blood flow from the wound.

Endeavour turned to look at his attacker, then collapsed to the floor, blood pouring from his mouth.

"D-did that do it?" Shoto stuttered, panting as he approached Izuku. His right side was covered on a thin layer of ice, and his fingertips were turning blue. His right side was covered in sweat that dripped down this face and plastered his hair to his head. "I-is he dead?"

Izuku checked the hero's pulse and grinned, muttering under his breath "Looks like Hawks might now be the number two hero, how useful."

He turned to Shoto with a big innocent grin on his face, made considerably less innocent by the blood splattered other his clothes and skin.

"Congratulations, Shoto Todoroki. You are free."

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