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Izuku's face broke out into a wide grin. "Shinso! You're back! Are you okay? What happened? Did someone really throw you out of the window?"

Shinso watched Izuku carefully. Now he knew that his persona was faked, he could see it easily. That grin that was a bit too wide, the fact that his smile didn't quite reach his eyes, the twitching at the corner of his mouth. Izuku was a liar, he could see that clearly now.

"I'm good, but could we maybe talk outside?"

Izuku was confused, but he nodded none the less and followed Shinso. They didn't stop in the hallway, as Izuku had expected. Instead, Shinso lead him out of the school building and off into a patch of trees.

Izuku watched Shinso's face closely as they walked. He seemed calm. Too calm for someone who knew they were walking with the person who tried to kill them.

When Shinso stopped in a seemingly random spot, Izuku was instantly on guard. There were too many bushes around them, too many places for people to hide. He couldn't hear or see anyone, but he knew that there could always be someone there, listening to every word he said.

"Midoriya," Shinso's voice called out. Izuku had been scanning the bushes, but he hadnt spotted anyone, yet. "No need to be so paranoid. It's okay, no ones here. I wouldn't want anyone to hear what I'm about to say anyway."

Izuku continued scanning the bushes. If there was someone there, would they find it odd that he was so nervous? Perhaps he could turn this on Shinso. Claim he threw him out the window in self defence, claim Shinso was a villain and he hadn't told anyone in fear of being hurt by villains, since he was quirkless and couldn't defend himself.

No, he had ruined that during the sports festival when he had beaten Kirishima and gotten close to beating Shoto. He wouldn't be able to pass off as a weakling that easily anymore.

"Midoriya, I want to join you. I want to join the villains." Shinso stated. "Can I?"

Izuku narrowed his eyes at Shinso. He knew how the purple haired boy's quirk worked, and he knew he shouldn't take the risk of verbally answering his question.

He shook his head.

"Why not?"

Izuku gritted his teeth, not saying a word. He just stared at Shinso, hoping someone would arrive and get him out of that situation.

"Huh? Why are you two standing around in the woods?"

Izuku's body relaxed and he grinned widely, turning to look at Uraraka. "Hey! What are you doing here?"

Uraraka looked between the two for a second. "I was told to try and find you. The principle wants to meet with you. I think you might be getting transferred into the hero course."

Izuku just stared for a second before grinning widely, a real grin this time. In the hero course, he could achieve so much more. If he somehow "forgot" to mention it to Tomura, then its would be perfect.

"Oh! Okay, where do I have to go?"

"The principal's office. Also, class is starting so Shinso should probably go as well."

Shinso nodded. "Okay, we can talk later, Midoriya."

Izuku nodded slowly, watching the purple haired boy leave.

"Huh? Did you two have an argument or something?" Uraraka asked. Izuku almost laughed.

"Something like that."


Izuku knocked on the door to the principal's office. He waited nervously to be let in. There were only two ways this was going to go down. Either, he joins the hero course or he gets arrested and dragged off to Tartarus.

And one of those options seemed a lot more pleasant than the other.

"Come in." Nezu called. Izuku pushed open the door and peered into the office, seeing the principal smiling over at him.

"Ah, Midoriya, you're here. Take a seat." Izuku did as he was told and sat down opposite Nezu, still gazing around the office.

It was quite empty, with very limited hiding spaces, so it was unlikely that he would get ambushed, though they might have underestimated him because if his quitklessness, making this an easy fight.

"Now, Midoriya, do you have any ideas as to why I have called you here?"

Izuku visibly paled. One though richoched around his head like a bullet, shouting through any logical thoughts that tried to force their way in.

I am so fucked.

He shook his head and the principal nodded.

"I am, of course, asking if you would rather join the hero course, since you were so successful in the sports festival."

Izuku resisted the urge to sigh in relief. "R-really, sir? It's an honor, but I'm not sure in hero work quite fits me. Perhaps I could go home and think about it? My dad would also want to hear about this."

Nezu nodded. "Yes, that's fine with me. Oh, though I have heard that you have friends in one of the hero classes, so I will be making sure you're put into their class, should you chose to transfer."

So, he's trying to bait me into joining the hero course then?

Izuku nodded happily. "Okay! Th-thank you so much, sir! I'll definitely think about it!"

Nezu nodded and Izuku stepped out if the office. He didn't need to think about it, he had already decided. He wanted to be in the hero course.

Whether Tomura agreed or not.

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