Camp begins

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Izuku told Tomura some lie about how he was going to the training camp to learn about quirk analysis. Tomura, of course, knew he was lying. It hadn't taken him long to confirm that Izuku Izuku transferred to the hero course.

But he let Izuku go.

He didn't mention the lie.

If he did, then Izuku would expect some kind of consequences, and Tomura couldn't do that, not now.

He had to try and make everything perfect.

To leave it on a positive.

Though that didn't stop him from wishing he could keep Izuku with him.

Izuku still didn't see it. The sadness, slowly growing in his father's eyes, the looks Dabi gave Todoroki, and the cold, unfeeling ones sent back.

He didn't see the cracks.

"Hey, Deku!" Uraraka looked back at the green haired villain, a large grin on her face.

Izuku smiled back at her. The entire class had arrived and were excitedly piling onto the bus, ignoring Iida's shouts.

Unfortunately, Izuku was sat directly behind Bakugou, though Kirishima was nice enough to distract the blond and prevent any collateral damage.

Todoroki, quite quickly, fell asleep on Izuku's shoulder (which Mina seemed to think was adorable). Izuku just sat there, watching through the window and day dreaming of the week to come, only disturbed when the bus came to a stop on the top of a cliff.

Gently, he shook Todoroki awake, who looked up at him with tired eyes, and the two got off, following the rest of the class.

Izuku regretted that pretty quickly.

He recognised the Pussy Cats immediatly. It had been suspected that they would end up boosting the camp, though no-one was sure, and several possible locations had been identified. Judging by their presence, and the forest, one of them was correct.

Izuku took out his phone to text Tomura the location, only to find himself falling off the cliff, towards the arching trees below, the rest of his class screaming along beside him.

He ducked into a roll, hitting the floor mostly unscathed, though with a new hatred of the pussycats.

Most others were okay, Uraraka managed to float them before they hit the floor, though some of them were starting to bruise and were hastily covering y new scratches and cuts.

Damn heroes.

Their challenge was explain, while Izuku manger to message Tomura the location, this time, staying firmly on the floor. He received a confirmation text back and grinned, looking up at his classmates.

 "Come on, let's go!"

 Bakugou keep shooting Izuku nasty looks as they took down monster after monster. Every now and again, Izuku would swoop in to save Bakugou from one, invigorated by the angry screaming and insults thrown his way.

Part of him wanted to leave Bakugou to the monster, but what better humiliation than making him have to be safe by a weak, quirkless boy, in front of everyone.

And, of course, he made sure to fuss over the explosive boy afterwards.

The rest of the time, Izuku was travelling with Todiroki, the two of them backing at monsters, using up out of the dirt, together, felling each one with ease, even after everyone else had be a to tire.

 "Woah! Look how big this one is!" Izuku grinned up at the towering giant, Nicky dodging it class as they rained down upon him. "Todoroki, leave this one to me!"

With a wide, bloodthirsty grin, he ran up to it, ready to fight and unable to hear the words passed around below him.

 "Todoroki, perhaps you should help him? That one is quite big." Yaoyorozu looked concerned as Izuku climbed the features back.

"He'll be fine. No need to worry." He didn't even look at her as he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Izuku, not in worry but in admiration, hoping to copy some of his moves, his energy.

"Are you sure? I know he's in the hero course, but he is quirkless. Are you sure he can take that on alone, without a quirk?"

How Todoroki looked at her. "He'll be fine. He can fight perfectly without a quirk. He's incredibly strong." For a second, worry and sadness seemed to push at the edges of his expression. "I can't beat him, no matter what I try. He's too strong."

Yaoyorozu paused, briefly scanning Todoroki's face. "Yes, but -"

"Take that!" Izuku shouted joyfully, throwing a rock at the monster as it dissolved back into the ground. Todoroki almost flinched at the pure malice in his voice, though he wasn't sure why.

Izuku showed Todoroki a thumbs up as Todoroki slowly wiped mud off of Izuku's cheek, taking a glance at the mess of mud and fabric that was no longer recognisable at his UA uniform, slightly surprised to see blood dripping down his leg.

Izuku noticed Todoroki looking at the blood and slowly wiped it off.

"Don't worry. Just an old cut that reopened, I didn't get hurt." Izuku reassured and Todoroki thought back to the time Izuku had appeared, covered in cuts and bruises and felt a surge of anger, though he couldn't tell who at.

Slowly, he nodded, accepting Izuku's story and remembering the injuries covering the rest of his class, himself included.

Did the heroes not care? Leaving them to fight alone? Not only that, but sending them in, attacking them, not pausing despite the wide range of injuries they all had, despite how long it was taking them, how much longer than they were told to expect.

And, all at once, he felt that anger dissipate, or, rather, pick a new source.

Izuku, still unaware of the inner turmoil of the half and half boy, continues ploughing through the woods, already searching for his next victim.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2021 ⏰

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