An end and a beginning

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Tsukauchi barely remembered what happened next. One of the villains entered and injected him with something and the next thing he knew, he was lying in an alleyway.

He slowly sat up, trying to ignore the incessant pounding in his head. He looked around the darkened alleyway nervously.

He was surrounded by bins and rubbish. He could see lights on in the buildings around him. He looked out at the street but realised that he didn't recognise it at all.

He checked his pockets but the villains had taken his phone and his money. He had no way to communicate anyone.

He sighed and grabbed the nearest bin to try and pull himself to his feet. Rather than pulling himself up, the bin fell over, its contents spilling out.

Tsukauchi reached down to clean it up. He shocked some stuff back into it before finding a suspiciously human shaped bin bag.

He took a deep breath before ripping it open.

And two lifeless eyes looked back up at him.

He covered his mouth, stopping himself from screaming, and once again, reached down to the body, pulling it out and having a better look at it.

The body belonged to a young boy. He must only be a high school first year. He was wearing a blood soaked uniform which Tsukauchi inspected.

A UA uniform.

A light was turned on in the building next to him, shining more light on the body, allowing Tsukauchi to see the boy's face.

Hitoshi Shinso, the boy who had been attacked in UA only a few weeks ago was now dead.

And Tsukauki suspected that it was his fault.


"Are you sure it was a good idea to get Kurogiri to help move them?"

Izuku shrugged, dipping his drink. "Nope. But, it's not like Dad can do anything, right? It's already done, and nothing bad happened either. We got rid of a threat, which is a good thing, and they can't track it back to us."

Todoroki finished his drink and looked out over the beach. The sun was staring to rise over the horizon. They had been up all night, dealing with the detective and destroying any evidence they could find.

Todoroki was not looking forward to school that day.

Izuku took another dip of his coffee. It was probably way too strong and was definitely not good for either of them, but Izuku wasn't falling asleep during his first day in the hero course.

Izuku's phone had been continuously ringing all night as well. Apparently Tomura got quite worried if Izuku didn't show up. He just texted saying he was with Todoroki. Tomura wasn't too pleased with that, either.

"Hey, Todoroki, if you want, wecan see if Giran's up?" Izuku grinned at him.

Todoroki stopped chugging his drink for a second. "Giran? Is he the info broker you mentioned?"

Izuku nodded happily. "You remembered! Yep, that's him. He knows way more about what's going on in the criminal underworld than I do. I'm sure he might be able to help us out with locating your brother. Besides, I wanted to talk to him anyway. I lost my gun."

Todoroki shrugged. "Okay, then. How do we contact him? Do we call him or-"

Izuku smiled widely. "Yep. We should call him from a public phone, though. Then, we can get the info from him over the phone and the police don't know we contacted him. Come on, there's one just down here!"

Izuku grabbed Todoroki's sleeve and pulled him after him until they reached the public phone. Izuku quickly dialed a number he had remembered by heart and put the phone to his ear.

"Hey, Giran." He said, joyfully.

"What is it, kid? I'm busy." Came the response from the other end.

"I just have a few questions about a couple of people. First of all, I want everything you know about the villain Dabi."


It turned out that most of the information matched up so Izuku requested that Dabi be brought to the league at the first opportunity.

The two of them then headed off to get changed into their UA uniforms. Izuku was jumping with joy at the idea of joining the hero course. Todoroki just chuckled slightly as Izuku continuously muttered about everything he could now do.

They reached UA early. No one else was in the classroom yet, but neither of them complained. Izuku quickly left to get more coffee and they sat down, talking about anything and everything.

Iida was the first to arrive. He was quiet and just sat down, not talking to either of his classmates. Neither of them moved to talk to him either. He had been quiet recently, ever since it was revealed that Stain was probably the one to kill his brother.

Izuku was so going to take credit for it later.

Bakugou was the next to arrive. He glared at Izuku, who sank into his seat, but Todoroki just glared right back. Bakugou walked over to Izuku and flowered down to him.

"Don't think your better than me, quirkless Deku."

Todoroki shot to his feet but Izuku held up a hand, telling him to stop. Todoroki reluctantly stopped, watching to see what Izuku would do next.

"I-I don't think I'm better than you, Kacchan. I'm j-just trying to be a h-hero." Izuku internally winced as he heard his own voice.

He looked nervously up at Bakugou, who looked just about ready to explode. Izuku wanted nothing more than to punch the porcupine headed hero student right in his smug face.

But that would have to wait.

Bakugou grunted and tok his seat. Over the next few minutes, the rest of the class arrived, followed by their home room teacher, Shota Aizawa.

Aizawa took his position at the front of the class and looked down at his class, quickly locating the caffeine fueled greenette. He gestured for him to join him at the front of the class. Izuku shuffled to the front if the class and smiled down at them, avoiding meeting Bakugou's eyes.

"H-hi. I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm quirkless but I'm really happy to be in this class!"

And he was happy, just maybe not for the reasons the expected.

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