A second victim

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Izuku and Kirishima walked to school together the next morning.

Kurogiri dropped them off in a nearby alley and the two of them walked to school together.

"Hey! Bakubro!" Kirishima yelled as they approached the gates.

Izuku looked over and stopped walking. Bakugou was approaching the two of them with an unreadable expression. He towered over Izuku and glared down at him.

"Deku. I heard. About your mum."

Riiiiight. That happened.

"O-oh. Y-yeah." Izuku looked down at the floor, looking as sad as he could. "I-I don't want to th-think about it."

Tears fell down his face and dripped to the floor. Izuku wiped them away and walked away from Bakugou. Kirishima watched him leave and turned to Bakugou.

"Wait, what happened?" Bakugou just shoved past him and headed inside.


Izuku was the first to arrive at the classroom, like normal. Sometimes Shinso would be there already, but nir this time.

He took his seat and wiped the remaining tears from his eyes. He didnt like having to fake cry. It made him feel weak. Well, everyone else already saw him like that, but he still hated it.

The door opened and a familiar face peered in. Izuku looked up and saw Shinso stood there, holding two cups of coffee, rather than the usual one.

He crossed the classroom and placed one cup on Izuku's desk. "Here. I figured you'd probably need it."

Izuku sniffed the coffee and took a sip. It was strong, though he wanted stronger. He spent all night talking to the detectives and telling them what he had seen.

Eventually, they had declared it as just a burglary gone wrong and let him go. It had been in the news papers that morning. Unfortunately, Izuku's name had been mentioned, so he was going to get pity all day from just about everyone.

How hateful.

"Th-thanks." He muttered. He had to act sad all day as well. Crying whenever it gets mentioned and pretending he doesn't want to punch anyone who tells him that "they're so sorry" or "it's okay".

Shinso moved his seat to next to Izuku's desk and sighed, giving the boy a sad smile.

"Izuku, you were acting strange yesterday." Izuku looked up at the boy, trying to keep his panic at bay. That villain Twice had said the clone would act exactly the same as him. "You said something about Bakugou getting killed?"

Izuku placed his head in his hands. By what Shinso was saying, he already knew it wasn't Izuku. Why else tell him what he had said? Izuku would already know if it had been him.

"You knew about that attack  didn't you?"

Izuku glanced up at Shinso and a smile broke out across his face.

"Oh? And what if I did?" He removed his hands and glared at Shinso who leaned back in his seat. "Are you going to go running to the heroes? You have no evidence. You can't prove anything. But, I guess you're a burden anyway."

Shinso shot to his feet and Izuku joined him, grabbing the front of his uniform.

"You know what we do with burdens? You know how we villains deal with burdens?"

He pressed Shinso into the wall, his back pressing into the glass of the windows, his other hand reaching for the latch.

"Bye bye, Hitoshi Shinso."

With one swift movement, he threw open the window and dropped Shinso out of it.

He heard the thump as the boy crashed to the ground and he glanced out, seeing Shinso lying on the floor, his arms and legs bent the wrong way, blood pooling on the stone around him and matting his purple hair.

Shinso's purple eyes gazed up at Izuku them closed.

Izuku closed the window again and grabbed the coffee cup from his desk, throwing it out of the window where the scalding liquid soaked throw his bloody uniform.

He took Shinso's cup and poured the liquid away, throwing the cup into the bin with a collection of other cups from previous days.

He packed away the few things Shinso had taken out of his bag and moved Shinso's chair back to his desk before taking his own seat at his desk and waiting.

His other classmates arrived one by one. "Where's Shinso?" One asked "He's usually here by now."

Izuku shrugged. "His stuff was here when I arrived so I presume he got here then left. Might have gone to get more coffee?"

The classmate just laughed, that was something Shinso would do, and had done on numerous occasions.

The teacher arrived and also asked about Shinso's absence. Izuku just said what he had told his classmate. His stuff was there when he arrived, but he hadn't seen him yet.

The teacher marked him late and continued with the day, though he did send Izuku and the vice rep to have a quick look for him, and tell Hound dog if he wasn't found.

They returned to the classroom a few minutes later, having failed to find him and alerted Hound dog to his disappearance. After the attack only the day before, the hero seemed concerned and sent out a search part right away.

It was only a few minutes later that Izuku heard shouting from outside.

A hero rushed inside and whispered to the teacher, who looked concerned and followed them out, calling for Izuku to follow him.

"Midoriya," they said, having walked away enough that the class couldn't hear him. "Your class rep and Shinso's friend so I think you should be the first to hear..."

"Shinos was found and has been rushed to hospital. His chances of survival are... low."

Izuku's face dropped and he look as worried and panicked as he could.

"W-what? What happened? Is he okay? Can I see him? Was it a villain attack? What hospital is he at? I need to see him!"

The teacher placed a hand on his arm in an attempt to reassure him. "That's all I can tell you for now. Shinso's in surgery at the moment, so it'll be a while before you can visit him."

Izuku nodded, concern still covering his face. His teacher continued talking, but he wasn't listening.

"His chances of survival are low." That's what he had been told. That's what concerned him the most.

Shinso was still alive.

Father Figure (BNHA)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora