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Izuku was the first one to arrived at the classroom the next day. Shinso hadnt arrived yet, though Izuku suspected he would be there soon. By the amount of coffee the boy had been chugging the day before, he clearly didn't sleep.

Izuku took his phone out and checked his messages. He had a strong of text from Tomura. He opened it and smiled to himself.

"Izuku, why is your knife missing?"

"If you lost it, I'm not mad."

"I'll just get you another."

"You didn't take it to school, did you?

"You know the rules. No weapons at school."

"Izuku, reply."

"Did you take it to school or not?"


Izuku snorted. Tomura was correct. Izuku had the knife in his school bag. He wasn't going to say that though. Last time he was caught bringing a weapon into school, Tomura took all of his weapons away.

He had to try and kill a hero with his bare hands.

He managed though.

The door opened and Shinso entered, holding another cup of coffee. He took a gulp of the scalding liquid and looked up at Izuku. He smiled briefly then made his way to his desk, where he lay down his head and seemed to go to sleep.

Izuku watched him for a minute. It would be good if he could turn Shinso to villainy. His quirk would make information gathering easier and would be useful against heroes. All he had to do was to think of how he would turn him.

Izuku had made his intentions clear to Shinso yesterday, and the boy didn't seem to mind much. He hadnt reported it to a teacher and had brushed it off fairly quickly. However, there was a chance that he though it was a joke or chose to ignore it for whatever reason.

If Izuku wanted to turn him, it was going to take effort.

Izuku was ripped from his train of thoughts by his phone ringing. He glanced down at the screen and saw it was Tomura calling him.

He sighed and left the classroom, standing in the corridor to answer the call.

"Hey, dad."

"Izuku, you didnt take your knife into school did you?" Izuku could hear the anger seething in his voice. "You remember what I told you about bringing weapons into UA, don't you?"

He should probably deny it. "I remember what you told me."

Tomura was quiet for a second. "And? Do you have it or not?"

"Uh, well dad, you see..."

"DEKU!" Bakugou yelled from the other end of the corridor.

"I've got to go now. Bye."


Izuku hung up on him, just as Bakugou reached him. "H-hi Kacchan..."

He glanced over Bakugou's shoulder and spotted three people sticking their heads out of the 1a classroom. A brown haired girl, Kirishima and the blue haired boy from the enterance exams.

Bskugou grabbed Izuku by the collar and pushed him against the wall. "Who were you on the phone to, hih, Deku? We both know that you don't have a dad. That he decided he didnt want to put up with a weak loser like you!"

Izuku met Bakugou's eyes, looking determined. "L-leave me alone, Ka- Bakugou."

Bakugou's face turned red with rage and he punched Izuku across the face. The green haired boy fell to the floor, his hand holding his cheek. He scrambled backwards as far as he could and looked up at Bakugou, fear shimmering in his watering eyes.

"Bakugou! That is not appropriate behavior for a hero on training!"

"Yeah, Bakubro, that's not very heroic!"

"Are you okay?" The girl bent down next to him and loomed at his cheek, before turning to Bakugou with rage in her eyes.

Bakugou looked down at her. "Whatever." And with that he turned and left.

"Are you okay, Midoriya?" Shinso had woken up and come out of the classroom. He stood on the other side of Izuku, as the girl helped him to his feet.

"I-I'm fine. Hes done worse. I'm used to it."

"How long as he been doing this for?" The girl asked.

"Since we were four so, eleven years?"

The blue haired boy glared at the classroom door that Bakugou had retreated to. "I shall report this! This cannot be allowed to continue!" He turned to leave but Izuku grabbed his arm.

"I-it's fine. It's not that bad. I-I can deal with it. I-I have to be able to deal with it." He looked at the floor with tears in his eyes. "I have to be strong, if I'm ever going to be a hero."

He looked up and saw the looks that he was getting from the hero course students. "S- sorry. I must sound weird. Oh, I'm Izuku Midoriya, class 1c, by the way."

The girl shook herself from her stupor. "I'm Ochaco Uraraka, class 1a."

"Tenya Iida, class 1a."

Kirishima smiled. "You already know me." Izuku nodded.

"Hitoshi Shinso. Class 1c."

Izuku hadalmost forgotten he was there. He had been to focused on befriending the hero course students. He knew Kirishima was suppost to be gathering ingo from them, but he wanted to help out as well. Besides, two spies were better than one.

He smiled widely at the four of them, ignoring the stinging in his cheek. "It's nice to meet you!"

Uraraka nodded and grabbed his hand. "Come on, you should see Recovery girl."

Despite his protests, Uraraka and Iida dragged him away to the nurse's office.

The two of them cared about him despite never meeting him before.

How heroic.

How sickening.

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