The other traitor

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"Class 1c..." Izuku muttered to himself, strutting through corridors and past classrooms. Some of the classrooms already had over-exited first years gathered in them, some were empty, in one, there was a teacher sat, staring intensely at his desk. Izuku decided to just leave him alone.

"Hey, you looking for 1c?" A voice came from behind him. Izuku turned to see a purple haired boy with dark eye bags and a large cup, smelling of strong coffee.

"Yeah, you know where it is?" The boy nodded, showing Izuku down another corridor. They passed a classroom labelled 1b, and Izuku saw another labled 1a just ahead.

"The hero course classrooms..." Izuku muttered, looking at them.

"You wanted to be in the hero course?" The boy asked, chugging his coffee.

Izuku nodded. "Yeah, but I knew I would never make it in. I could never be a hero, no matter how hard I-"

Izuku stopped talking as he heard a familiar scream. "Deku! What the hell are you doing in UA?!"

Bakugou stormed out of the classroom and Izuku backed against the wall, Bakugou towering over him. He looked up at the angry blond, fear radiating off of him in waves.

"H-hi Kacchan. I-I was j-just going to m-my classroom. I-I'm in g-general s-studies."

Bakugou looked down at him and gave him a smug grin. "They let a quirkless bastard like you into UA? Even general studies is too good for you. Why don't you just take a swan dive off the roof, save people the trouble of looking after a weak, quirkless loser."

A hand grabbed Bakugou's arm and he turned to glare at them. "What are you doing?" The purple haired boy asked him, glaring at him with anger in his eyes.

"Huh, you got a probl-" Bakugou's eyes glazed over and his arms dropped to his sides.

"Tell him you're sorry." The boy said, grinning creepily.

"I'm sorry." Bakugou's voice echoed through the hallway, empty of emotion. Even so, that was the closest Izuku was ever going to get to a real apology.

"Good enough, now go away and leave him alone." Bakugou turned and walked back into the 1a classroom, shutting the door behind him.

"Sorry about using my quirk on him." The boy asked, holding his hand out to Izuku. "I also just realised I never told you my name. I'm Hitoshi Shinso."

Izuku grabbed Shinso's outstretched hand. "I'm Izuku Midoriya. That" he pointed at the 1a classroom "was Katsuki Bakugou. He's a childhood 'friend'"

Shinso took a gulp of his coffee and continued walking. "He's an asshole. How's he supposed to be a hero?"

"Hey! Are you two in class 1a? I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" The two turned to see a red haired boy, grinning at them.

"O-oh, no. We're just general studies." Kirishima nodded.

"That's cool. What are you're names?" The two gave him a confused look. "We're still at the same school, even if we're not in the same course. And I told you my name already."

"Oh! Uh, I'm Izuku Midoriya, this is Hitoshi Shinso." Kirishims smiled and nodded.

"Oh, you're Tenko's kid, right?"

Izuku's eyes grew wide. Tomura had told him that, at UA, he had to call him Tenko Shigaraki (since Bakugou already knew he was called Shigaraki). If Kirishima knew that then...

Kirishima was the villain.

"Y-yeah, that's me. How do you know my dad?" Of course, he already knew, but Shinsi might find it weird if he didn't ask.

"My ma went to school with him. I think they still keep in contact."

Izuku nodded. "Oh, yeah, sorry. I remember now, I think he mentioned you."

Kirishima smiled. "Well, nice to finally meet you, Midoriya. See you around." Kirishima turned and entered the 1a classroom, a smile plastered on his face.

"He seems nice." Shinso said, smiling weakly. "Nicer than Bakugou at least."

Izuku laughed and the two of them started to walk towards their classroom, further down the corridor. "Yeah. Hopefully there are more like him around."

So, Eijiro Kirishima was the person who was there to protect him. He could deal with that. He seemed nice, so he was a good actor at least.

Shinso opened the door to their classroom and the two entered, making their way to their desks. Noone else was there yet, as they had both arrived early. Shinso chugged more coffee and stared at the blackboard with tired eyes.

"So," Izuku said, moving a chair next to Shinso's desk. "You never told me what your quirk was."

Shinso looked up at the boy and sighed. "You won't like it. Everyone says it's a villains quirk."

Izuku nearly snorted. He of all people knew that a quirk didn't make someone a villain. "Well, from what I saw, it's an amazing quirk, definitely a hero's quirk. I dont see why you aren't in the hero course. Besides,"

Izuku grinned sadistically down at him "Anyone can be a villain, no matter what their quirk is. A quirk doesn't make a person a villain, nor a hero. Anyone can be a villain, regardless of their quirk. I guess that makes villains more accepting than heroes."

Shinso looked up at Izuku, something similar to fear flashing in his eyes but there was something else. Interest. But he quickly shook it off.

"You're not trying to turn me into a villain, right, Midoriya?"

Izuku shrugged. "Maybe, maybe not. Villainy is a choice that anyone can make, I wouldn't want to force someone down that path."

The door to the classroom opened and a boy with blond hair and a black streak walked in. "Is this class 1a?"

Izuku and Shinso looked at each other and burst out laughing.

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