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"Please, Sensei."

All for one looked down at the man, knelt down on the floor before him. Tomura's could feel his masters glare but dared not look up, his forehead touching the dusty concrete.

"The boy failed. I gave him a quirk to assist him, yet he still failed to pass the test. He is done."

The floor beneath Tomura was slowly being covered with salty tears, the dust sucking it in, leaving him lying on a wet blanket of filth.

"He didn't have time to prepare. You didnt tell him he was going to be the one to-"

"He shouldn't need it." Tomura winced at the coldness, the hatred in the voice. All for one always sounded so self when talking to Izuku, so loving. He had paved a way into Izuku's heart  placing himself as the grandfather, the experienced villain for him to look up to above all else.

He had paved his way into Izuku's heart with lies and a mask of steel, covering his true face, his true nature.

And, even now, Tomura couldn't bear to break it.

Even if it would save his child.

"You told me he was ready. He was strong. He has brought us nothing and, even now he continues to lie and deceive us. He shows no loyalty."

Tomura felt his blood freeze in his veins. He was so sure that Izuku was useless. Was there anything he could do to change his Sensei's mind?

But he couldn't give up.

Or Izuku would be-

"He is loyal, Sensei. He shows true loyalty to the league. He trusts us and loves us and-"

"He is lying to you. If he is so loyal, so trusting, then, tell me, what class is he in?"

Tomura blinked up at the man for a few seconds before the realisation hit.



"He transferred classes without telling me."

Tomura couldn't help but remember all those glances with Todoroki, the bruises and cuts that had started appearing, the way he glared at Kirishima, daring him to stay quiet.

"He is lying to you. He does not trust you."

"He's just trying to help! He joined the hero course to help us! He is loyal, and he will be useful to us. Please, just give him another chance."

"No second chances, Tomura. All that is left is your choice. You remember what it is."

Tomura sighed and nodded at the floor. There was no chance now, not unless he was smart. Act too quick and he would suffer, act to slow and Izuku would be gone.

All he had left was a choice, a chance, one he must get right.

Or loose his son, his child, forever.


Izuku was buzzing with excitement.

His chance was coming. He was finally going to get his revenge. And all he had to do was pass an exam.


He grinned up at Todoroki with the widest smile the half and half boy had ever seen him have, his eyes sparkling with an insane joy that was both ecstatic and terrifying.

Izuku didn't care about the wierd looks he was getting. Everyone had found it odd, how excited he got at the announcement of their exams, though they just shrugged it off as excitement about the training camp.

Perhaps, some of them realised it was something more, but, if they did, they didn't act on it.

Izuku was still beaming when he told Tomura about the trip, making sure to remind him of his promise. Izuku lost to Bakugou at the sports festival, so, now, he gets to have his sadistic fun.

He didn't notice Tomura's expression. Guilt and grief and mourning, amplified every time he looked at the boy he had come to love.

Was this the last time he would get to see that smile?

He pushes the thought away, telling Izuku that it was fine, that they'll do it.

The revenge he always dreamed of.

A final gift.

Kirishima took little more convincing. He knew it was happening, but he wasn't too keen on following through with Izuku's full plan.

How else to break Bakugou, than to reveal the betrayal of his best friend?

The new recruits were all filled in on their new mission, a kidnapping, UA's strongest from a camp, hidden and protected.

Some asked how they were suppost to find the camp, though the only response they got was a large, excitable grin and a malicious laugh. And of course, Izuku's chucked:

"You'll find out."

Todoroki looked up at his brother, who didn't seem too pleased with the whole plan.

Perhaps he had worked out that it was just for a personal grudge, rather than anything particularly useful, or maybe he just didn't like any plan that had come from Izuku.

He had seemed strange after that wierd talk they had. Todoroki didn't understand why. All he said was that he didn't remember something, was that wierd?

Izuku was blind to all if this, to all the tension building up around him, too overjoyed to see everything that slowly surrounded him, poised to attack.

He couldn't see the storm that slowly approached over the horizon, his eyes too focused on the ground before him

The perfect, blood soaked ground.

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