Enterance exams

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Izuku made his way through the halls of UA, searching for the hall, for the debriefing on the hero course entrance exams.

He checked the knife in his pocket. It was just a kitchen knife, it would be suspicious if he used any other weapon. Not to mention, Tomura would question him if he left with a proper weapon.

He didn't want to explain where he was going.

After a while, he managed to find the hall and peered in, sighing with relief when he saw it hadn't started yet.

He took a seat near the back, next to a black haired boy with sharpened teeth. He glanced at the boy, seeing the determined look on his face, then turned back to the front, waiting for it to begin.

After a few minutes, Present Mic appeared. Izuku narrowed his eyes. He had fought Mic once. He had to take the next few weeks off school because of burst eardrums. It fucking hurt.

Mic started to explain the exam, and Izuku was listening, though he was more focused on looking at the other people applying.

There were a few people who caught his eye. Bakugou, of course, a bird-headed boy, who had the light on his phone pointed at him, making him stand out in the dark room and a blond-haired boy who looked a lot like the hero Ingenium who Izuku had killed a few weeks before.

The black haired boy next to him was also interesting. He had a small scar over his eye, and his eyes were bright red, but the thing that interested him the most was the glint in them.

It was the same as the glint in Izuku's emerald eyes.

The explanation finished and everyone headed out to the exam grounds. Izuku was happy to see that the blue haired boy was at the same ground as him.

He slowly walked up to the boy and tapped his shoulder, looking as nervous as he could.

"I'm sorry, but are you related to the hero Ingenium?" Ingenium's death hadn't been announced on the news yet. They probably wanted to try to find the person who killed him first, or were just giving the family time to grieve.

The boy looked down at Izuku, suddenly looking sad. Looks like he was right. "Yes, I am. Ingenium wa-is my older brother."

Izuku ignored his slip up and his face light up with excitement. "Woah! Ingenium's such a cool hero! But I haven't seen anything about him for the past few weeks..."

The boy turns away from Izuku and clears his throat. "Well, uh... um..."

Izuku turned red and started waving his hands around. "I'm sorry! That could be for personal reasons! It's none of my business! I'll just go now..."

And with that, Izuku turned and walked away, finding a spot near the back if the group to start stretching, ready for the exam to start.


"Izuku!" Came an angry yell from the bar. Izuku gulped and peered into the room, seeing Tomura gripping something in his fist.

Tomura turned and spotted Izuku, holding up what he was holding, an envelope marked with the UA emblem. "What is this?! You applied to UA, didn't you?! I told you not to!"

Izuku took the letter from him and started opening it, ignoring Tomura's angry yelling.

"I know you want to help, but you dont need to go to UA. There are other, safer, ways for you to help. This is just asking to her caught!"

Izuku unfolded the letter and started to read.

Dear Izuku Midoriya,

We regret to inform you that your application to UA's hero course has been denied.
You gathered 32 villain points and 0 resue points, meaning that you placed in 38th in the practical round.

However, we would like to invite you to join the general studies course at UA.
It is important to remember that general studies students may be transferred to the hero course if they do well in the UA sports festival, later in the year.


Izuku smiled and looked up at Tomura. "I've got into UA. General studies, not the hero course. That should be okay, right? Noone pays attention to the general studies students."

Tomura narrowed his eyes at the boy. "Fine, but we have a spy who's joining the hero course. They will be instructed to look after you."

"What?! I can look after myself. I'm not even in the hero course!"

"You'll still be in regular contact with heroes! And you cany bring weapons into UA. If they find out, you'll be defenceless." Tomura sighed and put his hand over his face. "Its either this or you dont go to UA at all."

Izuku stuck his tongue out at Tomura. "Spoil sport."

Tomura grinned slightly, despite himself. This kid was going to be a great villain one day. He was proud to be, sort of, his father.

"Why don't you go to your mother's now, Izuku? Her shift's over and I'm sure she'll be proud to hear you got into UA. Besides, you need to spend more time with her. We dont want people to start questioning where it is your going."

Izuku stood up, tucking the letter into his pocket. "Fine, I'll be back tomorrow." And with that, the boy left the bat, shitting the door behind him.

Tomura smiled and sipped his juice, Kurogiri had decided that no alcohol was allowed when Izuku was over.

Not that that was why Tomura had sent Izuku home.

The blue haired villain grabbed  his phone from the table and typed in the familiar number. It was picked up after three rings and the familiar voice on the other end was the first to talk.

"What is it, Shigaraki? I already told you I made it in."

Tomura checked the door, making sure Izuku wasn't returning. If he did come back, he would insist on talking to the person on the phone, and who knows how long that conversation would last.

"I need you to keep an eye on Izuku when he's at UA. He's joining the general studies course."

"I thought you said you weren't allowing your precious son to join UA."

"That's none of your business. Just do what you're told, Eiji."

The person on the other end hissed. "Don't call me that. Only Yua can call me that."

"Then just keep an eye on Izuku. If anything happens to him then you'll get to see your precious Yua again."

Tomura hung up and dropped the phone back onto the bar.

Why were kids so difficult?

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