"CAPTAIN!" Abuto bursts out from the room with a frantic expression on his face. "Oh, Abuto! Come eat, although I've already finished it all." Kamui gestured for him to come over. Meanwhile, Abuto sweat dropped and hesitantly sat beside Kamui.

"I'm just a harmless woman, you don't need to be afraid." (Y/N) laughs as she stood up and went to cook another batch for Abuto. "Who is she, Captain?" Abuto whispers to Kamui who was now full.

"(Y/N). She's a doctor who saved us." Kamui answers nonchalantly as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "Yeah, but why is a complete stranger cooking for us in her home?"

"She's a kind human." Kamui shrugged again. " I can hear you." (Y/N) sighs as she places the food in front of Abuto. Abuto was still suspicious of her so he inspected the food.

"Her cooking is delicious. If you're not gonna eat it give it to me." Kamui says, and Abuto started eating.

"You two can stay here as long as you like. I've always been alone here anyways." She says as she started cleaning up Kamui's mess. "Well...Our friends are coming to pick us up soon, but we appreciate the help, miss!" Abuto comments through the food. "Seriously, your cooking rocks."


Days passed by quickly after that, Kamui found himself getting more and more attached to her. She was fun to be around with, so Kamui almost never left her side. Whether she was attending to patients, or had gone out to buy grocery.

Abuto found it weird when his Captain had started sticking to the female, but soon found out that Kamui had fallen in love. And he probably doesn't even realize it.

It was a quiet night, Abuto found a way to contact the 7th Division and they were set to pick them up when morning came. Abuto was fast asleep. Meanwhile, Kamui had tried to sneak into (Y/N)'s futon again.

Kamui lets out a satisfied grunt as he fixed himself beside (Y/N), who was fast asleep. He gently placed an arm around her and cuddled with her to sleep. Finding her extremely huggable and comfortable.

Suddenly, Kamui's eyes shot open. He felt someone entering the house. So he stepped out to check it out. Moments later, he smelled smoke. Kamui jumped up to his feet and ran around to find some men starting a fire inside (Y/N)'s house.

Kamui quickly dashed back to the room and saw a man with his hands on (Y/N)'s neck. Cutting her air supply.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Kamui grinned darkly. He dashed to the man as fast as lightning and had punched him to literal death. "K-Kamui!" (Y/N) calls out as she gasped for air.

Kamui throws the man aside as he hugs her, pressing her to his chest in a protective stance. "Are you okay?" He worriedly asked her as she took a deep breath. "I-I...I'm fine." She says as her eyes darted to the man who now lay motionless.

"D-Did you kill him?" She asked as Kamui coldly glanced at the man. Without another word, he scooped her up in his arms. "Your house is on fire." Kamui says as he ran out with her in his arms.

"W-What?! Wait- Kamui, my medical journals!" (Y/N) clawed at Kamui's arms, trying to get him to set her free so she could run back inside the burning house.

"No. You can't go back in there, it's dangerous." He says in a stern tone. Then, he spots Abuto waving behind him, with the ship already ready to take off. "Perfect timing." Kamui says as he turns to (Y/N).

"You're coming with me." He says as (Y/N) looked up at him with her wide teary (E/C) eyes. "But, Kamui- all my stuff..."

"I can buy you new ones. This time I'm gonna protect those that I love. I won't leave you here." He says as he cups her cheeks and stares her in the eyes. His azure ones meeting her (E/C) ones.

"I won't make the same mistake twice. I love you, and I will do anything to protect you. So won't you come with me?" Kamui says as (Y/N) went speechless.

She looks down for a while, clenching her fists. She then meets Kamui's eyes and she pulled him down to kiss his lips. "I trust you with all my life, Kamui."

"You've got a debt to repay. And I'll only accept the payment of you swearing to always stay by my side!" (Y/N) says to him once they both pulled away.

"Alright, I'll never leave you. I promise. This time I'm strong enough to protect the one I love." Kamui grins as he carried her bridal style and ran towards the ship.

"I thought so. Listen up, we've got a new crew on board, mess with her and Commander will kill you!" Abuto yells at the fellow yato men who cheered when Kamui and (Y/N) entered the ship.

Gintama Is Love! حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن