"Oh look, he's got a pregnant bitch." Reggie Mantle stated, Sweet Pea looked back at Athena and gave her a face that read 'I'm sorry' before turning and punching Reggie in the face.

"Sweet Pea!" Jughead yelled then looked to Athena as Sweet Pea went to hit Reggie again. "Help would be nice!"

"Sweet Pea, enough." Athena moved passed Jughead and stood in front of Sweet Pea. "Look at me, Sweets." She said softly, Sweet Pea continued moving towards Reggie. "Baby, come on, look at me. Sweets." She said softly, touching his face, Sweet Pea finally backed off before Athena turned to where Reggie Mantle stood smirking. "Let us get one thing straight." Athena stated moving closer to the football player, Sweet Pea grabbing Athena's arm. "First off, I'm no one's bitch, second, say one more thing about me, and I'll personally kick your ass, pregnant or not." Athena stated letting Sweet Pea pull her back towards him. The group disbanded and the Serpents all headed off together, Sweet Pea's arm not leaving Athena. "Dick." She mumbled as Sweet Pea smirked. The group all stopped around where their lockers were located. "You good?" She asked turning and facing him.

"Yeah." He nodded smiling at her. "You?"

"Perfect." She touched the small bump she had. "We should get to class." The two headed off to class with a group of their friends.

"Hey, we've been looking for you guys." Toni stated as she and Fangs walked into Pop's.

"You really bribed her?" Fangs laughed sitting across from the two and stealing a fry from Athena's plate.

"You really wanna try your luck at stealing a pregnant girl's food?" Athena teased causing Fangs to hold his hands up.


"And yes, I bribed her, how else was I going to get her to show up at school?" Sweet Pea asked as Athena passed her fries towards Sweet Pea.

"What so you'll share food with Sweets but not me?"

"Have I slept with you? Have you gotten me pregnant?" Athena asked as Fangs groaned. "No, I thought not."

"That means I get fries." Toni joked causing both Fangs and Sweet Pea to look at her then Athena. "Kidding, jeeze." Laughing Athena shook her head as she leaned against Sweet Pea. "So, when are you two going to actually make it official?"

"Make what official?" Sweet Pea asked taking another fry from the basket.

"That you're dating." Fangs stated as Athena and Sweet Pea shared a look and shrugged.

"When that becomes a thing, I guess?" Athena stated. "We're not dating, we're having a child together,"

"And we sleep together,"

"And live together. Not dating." Athena stated taking the fry out of Sweet Pea's hand and eating it.

"Are either of you seeing anyone else?" Toni asked which caused the two teenagers across from her to shake their head. "You're dating. Hell, you're having a baby together."

"Toni, we aren't dating. I'm pretty sure if we were dating, we'd,"

"Watch movies on the couch cuddling? Share intimate secrets that no one else knows? Tell each other you love the other? Or what about the fact that no one else can tell Pea no, but Athena can get him to stop dead at just the word no." Fangs stated as Sweet Pea and Athena looked at each other.


"We're dating." Athena stated as the two stared at each other before turning back to their fries.

"That's it?" Toni asked. "That's all you both have to say once you realize you're dating?"

"What else do you want us to say Toni? Nothing has changed obviously." Sweet Pea stated pulling the strawberry milkshake over to him.

"Nothing has changed, we're still Athena and Sweet Pea." She shrugged opening the history book that was sitting in front of her as Toni groaned.

"You two are impossible." The four hung around awhile longer before eventually leaving.


"I never knew you two led such domestic lives." Jughead stated as he, Toni, and Fangs entered the trailer where Athena was sat folding laundry at the couch whilst Sweet Pea was doing dishes.

"Well if we don't clean, who's going to?" Athena asked glancing back at them. "Help yourself to anything in the fridge. Fangs put the beer back, if I can't drink neither can you." Athena didn't have to look towards the kitchen to know what Fangs was doing. "You need to clean the bathroom." She mentioned glancing towards where Fangs was. "You threw up in there last night and I refuse to clean it."

"But Pea bet me,"

"I don't care what Sweet Pea bet you to do Fangs, you stay here half the time meaning you need to pull your wait too Fogarty, I'm already gonna be a mother, I don't need to take care of you and Pea." She stated as Toni started helping her fold clothes and Jughead fell onto the couch next to her.

"So, this is where you guys commonly hangout?" Jughead asked looking around.

"Yeah." Athena nodded. "Fangs' parents aren't the greatest, so he's commonly here hiding from them. My parents kicked me out the day they found out I was pregnant and Pea's parents, haven't been around in years. Toni's the only one who has a good group of family, grandpa is great." Athena grinned at Toni as Sweet Pea entered the living room and handed Athena a cup of tea. "Thank you." She glanced up as Sweet Pea leaned down and kissed her.

"No problem." He headed back to the kitchen as they heard Fangs complaining from the bathroom.

"Very domestic." Toni stated with a grin. "You should see them on movie nights." She glanced to where Sweet Pea was in the kitchen. "Both are in sweat pants, it's insane." Toni laughed as Athena folded the last towel.

"Oh hush." She stated standing and moving down the hall to put the clothes away.

"They like to pretend they're big and bad Serpents, but really they're just big softies with each other."

"Key word, each other." Jughead laughed as Athena came back into the living room.

"Why are you three so interested in our lives?" Athena laughed grabbing her cup of tea and taking a drink of it. "We live boring lives, besides the idiot in there being in a gang."

"Heard that!" Sweet Pea called causing the group to laugh.

"You were supposed to!" Athena grinned at the two sitting in her living room as Fangs came out mumbling. "When we're not at the Wyrm, or school, or out on a job, we're here, being boring teenagers." She shrugged falling onto the couch next to Toni just as Sweet Pea came into the living room.

"Plus, they have the best TV." Fangs said before heading back to the bathroom.

"Stole it from my parents." Athena shrugged moving so Sweet Pea could sit next her.

"When I first found out you were pregnant, I felt bad for you." Jughead stated. "That you'd have to raise a baby on your own. But seeing you with Sweet Pea, and seeing the bond you have with the Serpents, I've realized you have a family, just not a traditional one."

"The Serpents were there when we had no one." Athena said softly. "Sweet Pea was there when I had no one." She glanced at the guy she was slowly realizing she was in love with. "Family isn't just blood, family is the people who care about you, family is the Serpents no matter what." She said softly. "Family, is Sweet Pea, Toni, Fangs, and even you Jughead." Athena looked at her group of friends and smiled. "And even this little baby boy I'm carrying." Athena grinned looking at her group of friends. "Oh did I mention we're having a boy?"

Credits to: Riverdale Imagines (imagine-riverdale.tumblr.com)

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