Full circle: Part 1

Start from the beginning

Cinder and Weiss would have just been equal on their last attack but Ruby's added harm proved to be too much for the villain to take. She fell from the pain of the sharp blade raking at her back. Thankfully, she still had much of her aura so she didn't bleed but the Shnee brat got her.

It was as if she was being suffocated in the coldest blizzard she has ever felt. Ice, snow and frost filled the air that she can't breathe. Even if she did, it was painful.

Cinder fell on the ground, her flames flickering around her as she tried to catch her breath.

"Two against one. How unfair." Cinder told them as she stood up.

Ruby pushed off her feet with speed, her scythe intending to hook Cinder but she evaded, jumping and tumbling over the vampire. Weiss ran to her, Myrtenaster raised.

Cinder quickly formed swords in hand to receive the blow. She parried back, their blades dancing, sparks of red and blue flying off.

Ruby shot bullets towards Cinder but she was clever enough to see it coming. Cinder took the bullets' momentum and turned it to Weiss who was taken by surprise and was sent flying back.

Weiss caught herself with a glyph and rushed back at Cinder again while Ruby kept her busy. The vampire was dancing with her scythe, pushing back Cinder as she tried to keep up with the speed of her swings. Weiss saw an opening and used her blade to injure Cinder's legs.

"Aarrhgghh!" The blade sliced through her flesh, blood flowing from the lacerations. Her knees gave out giving Ruby a chance to leap up and kick Cinder's body down to the ground with force enough to break the stone tiles underneath her.

"That was satisfying." Ruby hissed, a grin on her lips. She can smell the blood that oozed from Cinder's wounds.

Weiss slashed her rapier to clean it of the red liquid as she reloaded. "You can say that."

"How?! My aura hasn't faded yet!" She complained as she slipped off underneath and ran to get away from both of them.

Weiss turned to Ruby and ran after her. Ruby sped ahead, ripping through as she left a trail of roses. "Your aura may be full but enough magic can get through it." Weiss told her as she headed higher, jumping upwards on glyphs she didn't have to cast.

Ruby caught up with Cinder and grabbed her with her scythe by the waist, pulling her back and hoisting her up towards Weiss.

Cinder engulfed herself in flames once more, manipulating glass and dust to fire at Weiss.

The heiress was agile, leaping off her glyph and flipping in the air to avoid the sharp projectiles, using her rapier to break some of them.

Cinder and Weiss met half-way and once more clashed swords but this time, she knew not to ignore Ruby.

Cinder caught the girl doing the same thing, an attack to her back but she jumped out the way. Ruby had great control, thankfully, spinning and zipping around Weiss, taking her in the form she was in, white and red petals in their trail.

Cinder headed back down, forming a wall of spears above her head and behind her. With the speed Ruby and Weiss was in, they can't block those fast enough.

"Ruby! Weiss!" Ozpin shouted in horror, knowing what might come next.

Blake and Yang dropped in next to him to his surprise. Blake looked at the current fight and chuckled.

"They tell us not to play around but they're the ones just messing with her." The dark haired girl said.

Yang helped Ozpin up and off the floor, giving back his weapon. "Preofessor, we need to get you out of here."

"But your sister--"

A large wave of magic shook the ground from when Weiss made a shield just in time when Cinder's wall of spears rained down on them. As quickly as they were summoned, they were shattered to mere snowflakes. Ruby shot at Cinder once more, one bullet after the other.

Yang and Blake took the headmaster away to the elevator, shielding him from the waves of force that came with the attacks.

"Will be fine. Moreover, you're one hit away from being dead. You have to recover." Blake and Yang simply concentrated to keeping Ozpin alive.

They headed up to the headmaster's office, keeping away the few remaining Grimm. All three of them arrived safely.

In the office, Glynda and Qrow stood around, no doubt in the middle of a conversation. Both the adults were surprised to see them with Ozpin. Qrow was doing the math.

"You left Ruby and Weiss fighting the Fall Maiden?!" Glynda shouted in horror at both girls.

Yang shrugged. "We had to get Ozpin out of there. Both of them were getting serious."

Qrow didn't know how Weiss was alive, Ruby he gets. Just what is happening and what were these two thinking?!


This is part 1 XuX Forgive me if I had to cut the fight. I'm doing my best to write better fight scenes.

I hope you have a good day and I hope you had a nice time reading~

Stay tuned for the next chapter! Leave a comment and vote! Thanks for reading!

With love,

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