Chapter 27

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I walked out to the living room, so Andy could take his shower, and I nearly squealed a bit.

I mean.. I have a new power! Well.. It’s not really a power, but… You know what I mean.


I sat down on the couch, and just looked at the TV, waiting for Andy to finish his shower.

I kinda wanted to go outside, but I was sorta afraid to. What if I did and someone came up here to attack us? I’d be on my own..

Then again.. Did Andy even think I could protect myself?


Sitting up, I recalled when those people were outside that day, and that guy shot Andy in his leg..

All I had done was get caught by some big guy and breathe my first good long stream of fire. That was it. I didn’t stop anyone, I didn’t kick anyone’s behinds.. I was so useless..

Is that what Andy thought? That I was weak and couldn’t do anything?


Laying back on the couch, I closed my eyes, trying to push those thoughts out of my mind.

Then I heard Andy walk out of the bathroom. “Ah. Nothing like a good shower in the morning to make you feel refreshed.” He said as he walked over to me.

I just kept my eyes closed, pretending I had fallen asleep. I’m not good at faking stuff, so I was pretty sure he was gonna figure out I was faking.


Sure enough, I heard him chuckle as he started to gently poke at my side. “Lunaaaaa. I know you’re awake.” he said playfully as he continued to poke at my side.

I shivered a bit, feeling him poke my scars, and I quickly grabbed his hand. “Stop! I’m ticklish!” I said blushing.

I shouldn’t have said that. Right after I did, he smiled and said “Oh, you are, are you?” What was he gonna do now? Oh no...he wasn’t.

Oh, who was I kidding? Of course he was. I soon felt both of my sides being tickled at once.

I squealed a bit and started squirming, trying to push him away and make him stop, as I burst into an uncontrollable laughter.

 “A-Andy! No, please, stop!” I exclaimed, still laughing as I tried to get free.

He kept going and then playfully said “Why don’t you make me stop?”

I nearly punched him in the face for that, but I held myself back from doing so. I hated being tickled and I wanted him to stop!

Accidentally letting out a roar, I swatted my tail at him, hoping that would make him stop.


He backed off a bit and looked shocked. “O-Okay, I’ll stop now. Sorry. I was just messing around with you.” He said, the last part sounding kinda sad, like a kid who’d done something wrong and was being lectured by his parents.

Because of it, I instantly felt bad. I didn’t mean to roar, and I didn’t want to hurt him. So, pulling him into a tight hug, I folded my wings over him.

“A-Andy.. I’m sorry.. I didn’t mean to.. I just.. Don’t like being tickled..” I said, and I sounded like I was on the verge of tears.

He just kissed my cheek in response, saying “It’s alright, Luna. I forgive you.” He had that warm smile on his face again. He obviously wasn’t mad at me. Honestly, I started to wonder if anything could make him mad.

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