Through Your Smile (Sakata Gintoki)

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"So, how's everyone doing? What's everyone up to? It sucks not being able to visit."(Y/N) looked down as they proceeded to tell her stories of what was happening so she could catch up with the times.

Then Tsukuyo told her about Kagura and Shinpachi finding a new boss. "New boss,huh?..."(Y/N) looked up with a hum.

"They've been starting to looking for someone."Tsukuyo says as she averted her eyes from (Y/N) not wanting to get into details.

"I see...Hey, I have a small request-Would you be interested in listening?"(Y/N) says, lifting a finger to the three females who raised an eyebrow at her words.

But they say, if you utter a prayer from the depths of your soul, a miracle might occur.

"What's the big idea of gathering us here?"Shinpachi says as Tsukuyo, Sarutobi and Kyubei had gathered everyone to (Y/N)'s home.

"What's so important that you need everyone here?"Hijikata clicks his tongue, walking through the door, arms crossed and a sour expression on his face.

"Keep quiet!"Tsukuyo hisses at them as she slid the shoji door open to reveal (Y/N) leaning under the tree in her backyard.

"(Y/N)-nee!"Kagura yells worriedly, running to her side but she halted when she saw two figures sitting on either side of (Y/N).

One was the familiar figure of the man they thought to be dead, The same man they fought with to the death- Sakata Gintoki, the bandages unwrapped around his face revealing an older version of the Gintoki they once knew, curse marks devouring his whole body, as blood covered him from head to toe.

"No way...It was...Gin-san?!"Shinpachi stepped back in shock from the sudden revelation, that the enemy they were so focused on defeating and killing was actually the man who they all thought to be dead, on (Y/N)'s other side was the younger Sakata Gintoki, the boss of Yorozuya, sporting his usual white yukata.

"Everyone-What took you so long?"(Y/N) smiles softly at them, gesturing for them to come forward as they saw her resting in the older Gintoki's arms.

"Gin-chan, it was you?! Why didn't you tell us?!"Kagura yells angrily at the elder Gintoki who was quiet ever since they arrived.

"Kagura...Now's not the time for this,"(Y/N) says in a low voice, "Today is finally the day."She says as her eyes meet Gintoki's red ones.

"I'm sorry for making you wait for so long."Gintoki says as he held her tightly in his arms, as if he never wanted to let her go.

"I've finished my job, I need to go now."The younger Gintoki says as he stood up and straightened his figure, glancing at (Y/N) who was in Gintoki's arms he waved a hand and disappeared.

"I knew you'd never break your promise, I believed in you, Gin."(Y/N) says as she places a hand on Gintoki's cheek, everyone else had been staring at the long lost couple with sad looks in their eyes, the couple that was always passing by each other. They've been separated for god knows how long. They might've been apart physically but they both knew they were closer than ever emotionally.

"Damn right, these idiots took too long, but don't worry..."Gintoki says as he places his hand atop hers, his other arm wrapped around her as her support as she smiled warmly at him.

"You can rest now, (Y/N)."He says placing a small kiss on her forehead, his eyes mirrored the sadness and guilt he felt inside of him. The time of longing had engulfed him into this sorrowful day.

"Everyone...Thank you. Tsukuyo, Sarutobi, Kyubei. Thanks for listening to my last request, apparently time is running out. But...I have one last thing to say,"(Y/N) says, turning her gaze back to Gintoki.

She kisses his lips and gives him a bright smile, "Happy Birthday, Gintoki!"She says and soon enough her eyes suddenly flutter close, and her hand falls limp as it drops from his cheek.

"(Y/N)...."Gintoki buried his face on her shoulder as he lets his tears out, everyone else shedding their tears as (Y/N) had finally rested in eternal slumber. She had finally been able to rest, in the arms of her beloved.

The woman who had finally awakened from her nightmare of being away- being separated. Was now, one with him again.

The man, finally freed from the chains of his past. Who only ever wished to be with his beloved, lost her once more. But this time- to a place he couldn't follow.

Gintoki went quiet, his fists were clenched as they turned pale, his jaw clenched tightly. He looked down at her peaceful face, as the tears from his eyes fell on her.

"Through your smile, I'll live by. Until the day we reunite once more."He whispered with a broken voice, as he places a gentle kiss on her forehead.

"So...Wait for me just a little more, My love..."

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