"I see that you are awake"

I quickly turn around, "Fuck Jax, you scared the crap out of me." he chuckled

"Sorry, I did not mean to," he started, "Look Milo I think you should go home your parents might be worried sick about you come on let me take you home."

"No, my house isn't a place I want to go right now. Do you have a movie I can watch on my own?"

"I do. It's 'Chucky.'"

"That's fine, thanks."

He left the room so I could watch on my own.


30 mins in and I'm starting to tear up again, thinking about what Jax did, Landon, and my father.

Jax heard my sniffing and came in.

I couldn't say anything. All I could do was cry. I realized he sat next to me. He brought me close while I cried on his shoulder.

"I-I am sorry I am such a burden," I said

"Don't apologize. I've done many things that I wasn't sure I could control. I regret a lot of things that I did. I'm sorry about what happened with me and you, and with that boy, Landon. We never know what we're doing." I nodded at him and took at nap on his bed.

I woke up later to see that Jax was not with me; he probably left when I fell asleep. I looked at the clock that was on the table. It was 5:35. I heard someone clear their throat.

"Milo, do you wanna go home now?"

"That'd be good, thanks. Just, not my house, Leah's."

"Still friends with her?"

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason, I always thought she was odd though, or at least was hiding something."

"Well that's her business." Jax nodded

"I guess you're right."


"Thanks for the ride," I said, walking out of the car.

"Yeah, it's cool. Have fun."

"Wait come inside with me." he looked confused at first but then said okay.

Me: Leah, I'm outside. Open the door, it's cold. I brought a friend. </3

Leah: Omg! Coming now, and btw I'm with a friend too.

Me: That's fine.

She opens the door and I hug her tightly. I missed her and its only been a day. We walk in her room and we sit on the ground with a boy next to her.

"Sorry again about leaving you at the party, I feel like a douche."

She paused for a minute and looked at Jax. Her face went from happy, to blank. I don't think she was very happy to see him..

"Jax if you coming back into his life just to hurt him, trust and believe I will kill you." Jax grinned and walked right in without Leah's permission

Leah rolled her eyes and introduces us to Andrew.

Andrew looked very shy, but I never seen him around before. Jax was studing Andrew very carefully. I rolled my eyes knowing they will end up together sooner or later. 

"Hello Andrew, I'm Milo, and this is Jax."

"And Leah, it's all good. Uhm—Landon did something really stupid and I'm so angry at him for it," I announced shaking my head.

"What did he do now?" asked Leah

"We went to a party and I caught him with a girl. Is it okay to be jealous?"

"Sure it is. I get jealous all the time and I'm not even with the person." Leah stated.

"So do I," Andrew blurted

"Um—at the party, when I saw Landon, I was drunk. I got mad and I almost slept with Jax!"


"J-Jax?" Andrew asked flustered

"Yeah, but of course we didn't. I was knocked out." Jax just stared at me and look back at Andrew.

"Wait so are you saying that Jax...is gay?" Andrew gushed with pink cheeks.

"We're saying Milo is gay."

"And what about you, Leah? Got an eye on someone?" Andrew teased while his pink face calmed down.

"Ahh no," She giggled, "don't have time for anyone right now."

-buzz buzz-

I got a text from Landon:
We need to talk.

About what?

You know what.

Well I can't talk right now, I'm with friends. Bye.

"Was that Landon?" Leah questioned

"Yeah, he wants to talk about what happened last night," I started, "I don't know if I really want to. He's probably is just gonna make up some dumb excuse."

Hello!! I know I'm super late but I'm using quarantine as a way to sleep. Very sorry about that. I'll try to be better at writing this quickly and longer. If some of you read chapter 9 before, this is just chapter 9 with a bit more flavor. Also, this is how I imagine Andrew!

Just another cute, soft boy 🥺 Please leave a vote if you enjoyed this chapter! 💕 - Maddie

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Just another cute, soft boy 🥺
Please leave a vote if you enjoyed this chapter! 💕 - Maddie

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