one - first day

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((Hey everyone! I hope you're not mad at me for improving this story. Just to tell you, I've rewritten this story. I've done my best and I hope you like this new version better. I added new chapters, so it'll be confusing cause you'd be like "What? This wasn't here before?" So yeah. There's new chapters, new everything! Hope you like it!))

Elsa's POV

My first day at Disney Dreams Academy... I'm nervous... My name's Elsa Arendelle. I'm an unsociable person with a power I'm afraid of... The power over ice and snow.

I concealed myself from the world, hoping I wouldn't hurt anyone...

My parents died overseas when I was 7. They were on a cruise when a storm hit and sank their ship. I'm now 16, and all I have is my sister, Anna. I want to protect her. Even with my life.

Now I'm here, an tenth grader. Before now, I've been homeschooled for such a long time. But my Aunt and Uncle have persuaded me to join the high school my cousin is attending.

I saw Anna enter the school, leaving me behind cause she knows that I want to be alone. I entered the school a few minutes later. Holding my books to my chest.

People stared at me and whispered 'she looks so geeky' 'what a nerd' and other stuff. Those comments hurt but I've been through worse.

Having a power that can kill... Isn't so nice...

As I walk the halls of the large school, I saw a girl being picked on by some cheerleaders. They shoved her to the ground. I know I may be distant from others, but I'm not heartless.

"Hey!" I yelled ,"Why are you pickin' on her?!" "Who do you think you are?" the cheerleader sasses back "I'm just someone..." I said back, a little scared. "Hmph... whatever... let's go girls," she said. Her crew sashayed away along with her.

"Are you okay?" I asked her. "Um... thanks," she replied, getting up. I grinned. "No problem." She looked at me "I'm Mavis Sylvia... Nice to meet you," she said "You too. I'm Elsa Arendale," I introduced myself. I asked her if she could show me to my locker. I showed her my schedule which had my locker number on it. "Sure! Just follow me," he said. She lead me down a hall, turned a corner, and headed left. She showed me my locker. "I have to get going now. I'm the President of the Occult Research club. It's where students like me research about theories, ghosts, all that nerdy stuff," she told me. "Drop by if you want to say hi. It's in computer room number 13. After school on Mondays and Thursdays," she explained. We waved goodbye.

I actually think I've made a friend...? I opened my locker and placed my decorations inside. On the locker door, I taped on snow printed duct tape, and on the tape, I put on some pictures of me and my family in my younger days.

On the shelf of my locker, I put extra clothes, gloves, and my extra glasses on it, just in case. On the back side of my locker, I put a magnetic cork board up. I pinned on my extra class schedule on it, and some small sticky notes to remind me what to do and what not to do.

After I've finished organizing my locker, I closed it, and took a look at my schedule once again.

"First day, first period, English with Mrs. Pots, second period, Social Studies with Mr. Fawna, third period, Math with Mr. Merlin, fourth period, Art with Ms. Flora. Second day, first period, Fencing and Defense with Mr. Ronan, second period, Metal Works with Mr. Gobber, third period, French with Ms. Esmeralda, and fourth period, Biology with Ms. Merryweather..." I say to myself.

A girl with curly red hair came up to me. "You Elsa, lass?" she asked. I nodded. "Who may you be?" I asked. "I'm Merida Dunbroch. I'm part of the school council. I'm supposed to show new students around the school." "Oh... um... Hello... I'm Elsa Arendelle," I replied. "Follow me," she said.

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