ten - Anna

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Elsa's POV

It was Monday, and during the weekend, I still couldn't talk to Anna about Hans. He would always get to Anna somehow before I could.

Lunch time rolled around, and me and my group entered room A113. Principal Disney and the two other groups were already there and prepared to talk about the trip.

"Glad you could make it! Now, the resort trip," he started. "First things first, passports are an important necessity. Make sure your passport is four months before expiry, or if you don't have one, get one before the winter break, that's in less than three months, because that's when we'll be leaving, so better pack your things once you get home! Next is the location... We'll be going to Hawaii for the resort trip, and we'll be staying there for a week."

Everyone was excited, squealing and moving excitedly in their seats. I've been to Hawaii before, with Mom, Dad, and Anna a long time ago. I probably have to get my passport renewed. I haven't gone overseas unless Auntie and Uncle need me to go with them on a business trip. They were helping with my parents business until I'm old enough to take over.

My parents were business people. Growing up I'd always admired how hard they work, and yet they'd still have time for family. They owned Arendale Enterprises, a trading goods company, and distributed many products as well.

My Aunt and Uncle think that if I attend business trips or meetings, I'd learn about a thing or two for when I'm older.

"The trip is an all expense paid trip and all you need is your parents or guardians approval to come. Here's a booklet regarding the information about everything. Make sure to show it to your guardian," he explained.

"All expense!" I hear Merida say to Punzie. "I've neva' been anywhere but Scotland!" Jack smiled and looked at Merida sweetly. I know he liked her, and they're dating, but... something feels a little off sometimes.

Principal Disney handed out a booklet of papers explaining the trip. "I wonder how they're able to afford all this," I asked myself. Punzie replied, "You didn't know? Principal Disney, other than being a Principal, runs his own animation studio, toy store, theme park, et cetera. He's a big shot in the business world. I thought you knew that, considering going with Mom and Dad on business trips. Our parents are business partners with him."

I stare at him a little longer and realized he did look somewhat familiar. On business trips I'd always seen a man wore fake moustaches and weird glasses, and he was the person who would always call a meeting. I didn't know that he was Principal Disney because of his weird disguises and outfits he always wore to meetings. Everyone around him didn't seem to mind. They were more used to it than I was.

"No wonder he looked familiar..." I say a bit stunned.

"Wait, your parents own businesses?" Jack asked them. "Yeah," Rapunzel replied. "My parents own an interior design company. Corona Interiors and Elsa's soon going to be taking over her parents trading goods company, Arendale Enterprises."

"Really? I've known you for like two years and I seriously didn't know you were a rich girl," Jack gawked, feeling surprised. Rapunzel shrugged. "Never felt the need to bring it up."

"You are full of surprises, aren't you?" Hiccup asked me. "You don't know half of them..." I mumble to myself after I nervously laughed.

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