two - new friends and foes

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(( So apparently this chapter was empty. I don't know why, but when I went back to check over the story, I realized I was missing chapter two! I was sure I wrote it... Anyways! At least I get to make chapter two better? If only I can remember what I first wrote... ))

Elsa's POV

I sighed as I took out my lunch from my locker, and closed the door. I spun the dial after locking it up, and sat against it. Since it was my first lunch at school, I didn't have many friends. I didn't need friends, anyways. I wouldn't want to hurt them...

"Elsa!" I hear a familiar voice call my name. I see a girl running towards me. "Rapunzel," I reply. "What are you doing here all alone?" she asks. "Eating," I answer. "Well not here! You should come eat with me!" she chirped, picking me up to my feet. "I don't think that's a good id—" I was too late. She dragged my by the arm outside and onto the bleachers. "Guys, Elsa's eating with us!" Punzie grinned, sitting down beside the girl who showed me around earlier this morning, Merida.

My eyes turn towards Anna, who was also sitting with them. "Anna," I say. "Hi," she awkwardly replies. "I should probably go... I wouldn't want to bother you guys and your food," I told them, turning away. "No! Please, stay!" Anna cries out, standing up and she grabs my hand. I flinch and pulled away.

She looked at me with eyes full of hurt. "I'm sorry," I told her, rubbing my arm. "Do you hate me?" she says softly. I look at her with widened eyes. "No—" "Then why do you always shut yourself out from me—from your family!" she cries.

"Ooh, sister drama," an insignificant guy in the group said. "Eugene!" I hear Punzie say.

I breathed in, trying to compose myself. My feelings were getting to my head. I could start to feel the coldness beneath my feet. "I don't want to hurt you," I told her. "Don't you think it's too late for that?" she asked, crossing her arms. "No. You don't understand."

She yelled, "No! You don't understand!" I stepped back as she stepped forward. "Ever since we were children, you shut me out! When Mom and Dad died, I had an uncle an aunt, and a cousin to help me get through the pain, but I didn't have my sister. I only ever wanted my sister to be there with me! You say you didn't want to hurt me, but you already did," she cried, tears streamed down her cheeks.

I couldn't say anything. It was like there was something clogged in my throat. I only managed to say the words, "I'm sorry..." before running away. I ran into the wing the far side of the school. No one hung out here, so it was empty. I turned a corner and placed my back against the wall and slid down. I hugged my knees as I silently sobbed to myself.

"Elsa?" I hear a voice say. I stopped sobbing and wiped away my tears, which turned into ice at my touch, even without the gloves.

I threw them aside as I see Hiccup come around the corner. "Hey," he said. I reply, "Hi."

"You ok?" he asked. I shrugged. "Used to it."

He chuckled and sat beside me. I scoot slightly away. "I know we don't really know each other much, but it only felt right to come after you and talk," he says. "There's not much to talk about," I say, turning away. "There's always something to talk about," he smiles.

"You're sweet," I pointed out, "But what I'm going through isn't easy to talk about."

"So you do have something to talk about," he smirked. I roll my eyes, replying, "Fine."

"You can trust me," he assures. "Sure," I say sarcastically.

"When I was a little girl, I hurt my sister badly. Because of what happened, I closed myself off from her, from my family. I just didn't want to hurt them..." I told him, sinking myself into my knees. "That backfired," Hiccup plainly pointed out, chuckling. "It's totally making me feel better with you laughing at my dark past," I said sarcastically.

"I'm sorry," he replied, "That all happened in the past, Elsa. Sure, you may have hurt Anna in some way, but that doesn't mean you would now."

"I don't know... I'm uncontrollable," I shrug. Hiccup looked at me. "Y'know, everything always starts somewhere. A flower from a seed, an acquaintance to best friend, even the beginning of time to now. For you, Elsa, all you need to do is to learn to control whatever you need to control," he explained. "But I don't know how!" I cry. I felt like exploding—like tearing up until I stop, but I couldn't. Not while he's around.

"You want to protect Anna, right? You want to protect your family. Use that as your motivation to. Honestly, I'm very confused to as whatever you've got to control, but I know when to not pry in deeper. Y'know Elsa, you can count on us now. We're your friends. You don't have to go through what you're going through alone," he says, placing his hand on my shoulder. I adjusted to his display friendliness.

I felt a bit calm. Hiccup was right. All this time I've only ran away from my problems instead of facing them when I needed to. All those years I could've been with Anna, all those years where I could've been a sister, I just threw away, thinking I was protecting Anna from me hurting her. I realize now, thanks to Hiccup, that I was hurting her in a different way, emotionally. I was too caught up in not hurting her physically, that I didn't even think about hurting her emotionally.

"Thanks, Hiccup. That honestly helped me a lot. You made me realize my mistakes," I told him. He chuckled. "Hey, I'm glad to help the newbie," he grinned. He got up and left, leaving me to myself in the empty corridors.

The halls were silent, which helped me gather myself together. I stood up, and just as I was about to leave, I heard a name call me. "Elsa Arendelle," I hear. My eyes widened as chills ran up my spine. I turned around to hear only the echo of the voice. "Who's there?" I called out. All of a sudden, I felt a person walk behind me. I flinched and screamed quietly inside.

"W–Who are you?" I asked the male with slick black hair, pale skin, and yellow eyes. "I'm Pitch, Pitch Black, and you're on my turf," he said. "I'm sorry," I replied, shaking a little. He wrapped his arm around my shoulder, much to my discomfort. He took out his phone and should me a picture of me using my powers.

"Look at what I took. Amazing, isn't it? Took it the moment you sat down," he sinisterly smirked. I froze in place. My throat felt dry and my head was spinning. I wasn't careful!

"I'd hate for this to leak on the internet, wouldn't you?" he threatens. "Why aren't you fazed at all?" I wonder. "Oh, I was shocked, at first. Anyone would if they witnessed a monster play with snow," he said.


"What do you want with me?" 

"Oh, dear, I'd love to tell you, but it's secret information. I just wanted you to be on look out when he finally shows up," he says, putting away his phone.

"Who's him?" I reply, shaking. This guy knows my secret, who knows who he can show it to!

"Someone important. Someone... dangerous?" he shrugged, "Anyways, we'll be taking back what's ours, and maybe taking back a souvenir or two. Don't tell your friends what happened here today. Who knows what'll happen to this."—he points at his phone—"Or to your friends." He smirks evilly and walks off.

Elsa hugs herself in fear, inside her head, she thought of millions of possibilities in what people would say about her powers, she thought what would happen if she did tell her friends. All bad things.

What should I do?

Me and You | REWRITINGحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن