seven - ending of the dream games

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Elsa's POV

"I'm the student council president. It's the council's job to patrol around the school and make sure no students who are apart of the Dream Games enter the building. Hey... you're a student!" he says. "You catch that now?" I questioned. He chuckled. "Sorry. I was kinda lonely since the other members of the council are spread out around the school. Had no one to talk to," he replied, scratching the back of his head. "Anyways, break time is almost over. The third part of the games are almost gonna start," he mentions, looking at his watch.

"I have to escort you out now, milady," he smirked. "Ha ha ha," I reply. "I'm sorry, but I ain't your lady," I replied, "I can escort myself out, thank you very much." I grinned. "Please, it's only right I do," he says, taking my hand. I flinch and pulled away. "See you around, Tadashi! It was nice meeting you," I told him. He gave a halfhearted smile, feeling a bit dejected. I left the school and proceeded towards the field, where I see Merida and Jack arguing as usual. Rapunzel was talking to Eugene and my sister Anna, and Hiccup was sleeping against the grass.

I waved towards Punzie and she stood up. "Are you ok?" she asks as she approaches me. I nod, "Yeah. I'm fine now." Hiccup heard my voice and sat up. I sat beside him. "Elsa, you know it isn't your fault we lost. It wasn't your fault you fainted. It's no one's fault at all! You didn't let us down. We didn't even think about any of what you did because the only thing we did think of, was if you were ok. We were worried for you," Hiccup explained.

"Yeah! We don' care if we lost, Els. We had fun as a team! And that's all that matters," Merida grinned. "Sure winning would've been nice," Jack said, but Merida elbowed his stomach. "But that doesn't matter as long as you're ok!" he groaned out.

They all smiled at me, giving me reassurance. That's all I needed to feel ok again.


The third and last game for the day was paintball. Something Rapunzel loved because of the paint, and shooting the heck out of Gothel. It was crazy, paint was splattered everywhere. We wore these type of uniforms so that whenever we got shot with a paintball, the team that shot it would get a point and get on the scoreboard.

Paintball lasted for an hour and a half, and we won first! It was thanks to Punzie shooting Gothel who was terrible at the sport, and Merida who is really good at aiming from far away. Jack just went berserk and shot as many people as he could, even trees. Hiccup took too much time calculating the aim and trajectory he should use on order to perfectly hit his target. I'm an average player in paintball, so I only helped score a few points, for the other team. They kept on shooting. But hey! In the end we got first place! 

It had been a long day, but it was only the first day of the week of the dream games. There were four more days. One day has been filled with the tug of war and the fencing tournament, second day is filled with mathematics and fun run, on the third day is clean up in the morning and afternoon. Then the last day during night, everyone gathers in the big gym all dressed up nicely, where the student council has set up the "dream dance", a dance that happens right after the dream games to commemorate all the students who had participated. When it's later in the evening, they'll announce the winner of the dream games, and the teams that won get to go on the trip!

Punzie told me about the dance at the end of the day, when everyone took their things from their lockers. She was excited to wear one of the new dresses she bought over the weekend.

"I don't think I should go to the dance," I told Rapunzel and Anna as they got their things from their lockers. "What are you talking about, sis!" Anna cried, placing her hands on her hip. "The dance is the most interesting part of the games!" Punzie cried, closing her locker door and locking it. The three of us walked outside, where the boys were waiting. "Guys! Elsa doesn't want to go to the dance!" Punzie whined. "Why not?" Jack asked, arms crossed. "Too many people. Plus I can't dance," I said sheepishly. Jack laughed and took my hand. "I'll teach you if you want," he winked. Hiccup hit the back of his head while Merida elbowed his stomach.

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