nine - blackmail

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Elsa's POV

After the dance was over, I rushed over to Anna who was going to leave with Hans to someplace. "Anna, we need to talk," I told her sternly. She glared at me. "I don't want to."

"Please, Anna! I'm sorry, ok?! I know up until now I haven't been a good sister... But I'm trying to make up for it now. Hans is not the person you think he is. Let's go home," I told her. Anna bit her lip hesitantly. "Thanks for your concern, Elsa, but I can tell who's wrong from right," she talked back, walking away with Hans.

"This thing you have with him isn't even love!" I yell at her. "Like you know anything about love!" she shouts at me, turning foot and stomping towards me. She placed her finger on my chest angrily.

People around us started to see what the commotion was. "All you know is how to shut people out! Like you did with me!" she cried. "Hans knows what I've been going through, he's been kinder than you have ever been to me."

"You don't know anything! I shut you out to protect you!" I yelled at her. "From what?!" she yelled back. I was hesitant to tell her. Even after all this time, I still couldn't tell her, my sister.

I looked away. "That's what I thought..." she said, leaving with Hans.

Hiccup approached me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I pulled away and walked through the doors leading outside. I looked around for Hans' car but it was nowhere to be found. They already left.

"Anna!" I scream in frustration. I crouch down and sighed deeply. "I only wanted to protect you... from me," I whisper to myself. "I'm sorry we couldn't do anything... Once Anna and you started fighting, we were taken aback," Rapunzel said, crouching down beside me.

"Hans is not as bad as Pitch Black, though," Jack mentioned. Pitch Black.

I know Pitch Black.

"But they're acquainted," I pointed out. "Yes, they are, but trust me when I say Hans isn't as bad as Pitch Black."

"What the heck! You first tell me that Hans was bad and now you're telling me he's not!" I yelled at Jack. "What I'm saying, is that Hans is not as bad as Pitch. Hans has seen something interesting. What happened tonight only piqued his interest. Now your in his little game. If it were Pitch, that'll be a different story..." he explained. I replied questionably, "What do you mean, game?"

"I don't know ok! It's been a long time since I've talked to them," he said.

All of a sudden, my phone started to ring I picked it up and saw the ID.


"I... have to take this," I told them sternly, running around the corner, hoping they didn't follow me. I answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Elsa? Right?" a sour voice spoke.

I hissed, "Hans. Where's my sister?"

"Oh, don't worry about your sister. She's sleeping. You made her cry too much so she passed out."

He snickered. "She's basically half broken, and I didn't cause it. You did. All that's left to do is break her completely."

"Hans, don't you dare touch my sister!" I yelled. He laughed. "Oh, I won't be doing anything like that, not yet. She's new to this of course, so I can't push her. All I have to do is make her trust me. As gullible as she is, that wouldn't be so hard."

I growled at him, my hands clenched into fists. The ground before me started freezing but I didn't care.

"Let's play a game," he said. Jack mentioned he plays games.

"What kind of game?" I asked him.

"If you can somehow get Anna to believe you instead of me, before your trip, then I promise I won't do anything to her, you, or any of your friends," he explained. "What do my friends have to do with this?" I asked him. He replied, "Well, you don't want them to find out your secret, do you?" I started to shake as tears threaten to fall.

"How do you know?" "My friend, Pitch Black. I reckon you know him?"

His name again. I grunted. If it means saving my sister's purity from that guy then so be it.

"If you don't manage to, then I get Anna and your friends, everyone will know who you really are," he chuckled sinisterly. "A monster."

"I'm a fair player, so if you do manage to win, oh well. But I doubt it," he said.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked him. He replied, "I love a good game, especially if it means I get to hurt someone inside. I just love the look on their heartbroken faces."

"You disgust me," I told him. "Whatever. Are you playing, or not?"

I pondered. Anything for my sister.

"Let's play," I told him.


Anna came back late that evening, closing the door quietly as she came in.

I sat by the couch in the living room as I see her try to sneak back in. I took a deep breath and said. "You're right, I may not know what love is," I told her, she stopped in her tracks and looked at me. "But if I am doing my best to tell you that that guy is no good, then what is it I am really doing? Why do you think I'm doing this?"

Anna glanced away and back towards me. "Because I care, Anna."

"That guy has a name, and his name is Hans. He told me he did have a past, a bad one, but he said he'll change for me," Anna said, then she climbed up the stairs and headed into her room.

I sigh. Whatever I try to say to her, she won't listen... How can I make her listen...? I climb upstairs and stop before her door. The lights were off.

I placed my hand against the wood. I want her to be happy but not with him.

I wish I could tell her...

(( pretty short chapter. Imma try to make longer ones. The next few will be pretty long ))

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