I hid myself behind Taeyang, grabbing his shirt softly. He didn't say anything about it. "I need you to leave now, she's not healthy enough to deal with people like you," Taeyang said. How did he know I was hurting again? "Fine, I'll leave. Take care of her... you never know what will happen" Mr.Yoo said with a scary tone. As he walked past me and Taeyang he looked at me and smiled. "I hope we can continue our conversation soon," He said and then left. As the door closed, Taeyang turned around and grabbed me by the shoulders.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt? What did he say? What did you tell him?" He started asking me so many questions that I was taken aback for a second. I looked straight into his eyes and kept staring into them as I was trying to figure out what was going on. "NABI! What did you tell him?" He asked. "N-nothing. He was asking me questions and I just answered" I said. "What kind of questions?" He asked. "Like why am I here, do I know what you guys do? He was also about to ask If my name is Cha or something else" I said. "What did you say to answer those questions?" he asked me with a worried undertone. "I explained I was in the apartment complex fire. I know that Rowoon works in a cafe and the last question I was about to come up with something but you barged in" I explained. Taeyang suddenly pulled me against him to hug me. I just froze. I didn't know what to do. Am I supposed to hug him back? "Taeyang, you're suffocating me," I said. As he was about 20 cm taller than I was, he pulled me right into his chest and hugged me so tight I couldn't get air properly.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just glad you're okay" Taeyang said with a genuine voice. "Why are you so protective of me all of a sudden. We barely decided to become friends and now this is happening" I said. "Do you want me to be an assh*le again? Don't you like the nice me? I can become bad again if that's what you're insinuating right now" Taeyang said with a slightly angry voice. "No! No. I do like the nice you, but why so sudden?" I asked. "No reason. Nothing you should be worried about" He said. "Okay, well I was about to go to bed but then your father came. I'm going to sleep. See you" I said as I slowly made my way up the stairs so I could go to sleep. As I lied down on the bed I realized I should talk to Youngbin again, update him on how it's going right now. I'll do that tomorrow, I don't have work so yep.

I woke up the next morning, ready to go for another day. I got dressed quickly and was about to leave the room when Taeyang came out of his room as well. "Goodmorning!" I quickly yelled while running down the stairs. I heard a faint reply but I couldn't exactly hear what it was. I quickly grabbed an apple. "Why in such a rush?" Inseong asked. "I have plans for today. I'll be gone for a while. See you guys" I said quickly and made my way towards the door. When I was about to walk out Taeyang grabbed my arm and turned me around to face him. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Please be careful. My dad knows who you are. He'll probably be annoying to you soon" Taeyang said with pity in his voice. "I'll be alright. Don't worry about me" I said as I got myself out of Taeyang's grip and walked away. "But I do worry about you"

I walked towards the agency building and walked in. The security didn't stop me. What happened? Did they notify I was working for them now? "Nabi," Youngbin said. "Ah yes, I'm here. I don't think I have much time though" I said. "Then let's hurry. Tell me" Youngbin said. "So far, I don't know what they do yet. I do know Taeyang killed a person but he was bad" I said. "Why?" Youngbin asked. "He was a corrupt politician and sold his own daughter to the black market. You can't do something like that" I said. "Nabi, get your head straight. He killed a person. Whether he was bad doesn't matter. It's up to us and the police to catch those guys and put them behind bars" Youngbin said while holding my shoulders. I stayed silent. I haven't thought about that but on the other side, I don't really care. I'm fine with the fact that the man died. "I also met his dad yesterday evening. He seems to be out to get me. Something happened in the past" I said. "Be careful, please. Try to find out everything you can to hurt them as much as possible" Youngbin said. "I will. I know this was short but I have to go. I might be gone for a while" I said. "That's fine, just complete the mission once you can," Youngbin said. "Sure," I answered and ran out of the building.

I don't want to be seen here. You never know how things spread. I decided to get a Starbucks. Coffee should help me stay awake, it was very late last night. I sat down in the little Starbucks and scrolled through my phone a bit. That's when I got a text message.

??: Hey, where are you. I'm picking you up, it's time to show you - Taeyang

Me: How did you get my number?

??: Took it when you were asleep. I need to know where you are in case something happens because of my dad, now where are you?

Me: I'm at the Starbucks closest to your house.

Taeyang: I'll be right there. Don't go anywhere.

Me: I'll stay here.

After 5 minutes Taeyang was in front and honked. I got into his car and looked at him. "What?" Taeyang asked. "Where are you taking me?" I asked. "Is it that important to you?" He asked. "Uhm yes, otherwise you're basically kidnapping me," I said. "But you got into my car voluntarily," Taeyang said with a joking tone. "Taeyang, where are you taking me?" I asked again in a more serious tone. "Fine you win, we're going to Busan," He said. "Busan? That's far" I said. "I know. So get ready for a long ride" Taeyang said. "A long ride with you? No hell no. I will not be able to stand you for that long" I joked. "Do you have a death wish? I know you like me" He said. I chocked on my coffee that I was still drinking. "WHAT?!" I yelled. "You heard me. Of course, you like me, I mean who wouldn't" He said with a joking voice but also means it a little. "I don't like you," I said while looking away into the window, but doing so I looked at Taeyang in the reflection.

He scooted closer to me while still keeping his eyes on the road.

"Then why do you keep staring at me in ways you think I can't see?"

End of this chapter... the upcoming chapters are going to be a little more... action-based so get ready for that!

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