Part 31~ Trouble in paradise

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Sorry if there are any misspelling/ grammatical errors

I walked out of Shawn's office and sat down at my desk and saw that I have got a few more texts from Egon.

Hello there baby girl

Don't ignore my texts.
I know that you are reading them

I don't think that I ever told you how disappointed I got when I didn't
find you at the auction

Can you believe how shocked
I got it when Alice told me you signed out of the contract. You tricky little thing

I'm just checking in on you to see if you've decided on being mine.
Now when you don't have precious little
Shawn by your side😉

It felt like my stomach turned upside down. What does he mean by "being mine"?

                            And "Being mine" what is
                            Does that supposed to mean?!

I knew you were hiding back there😉
How are you?

                            Just answer my question!

Ohh, someone is eager. I like.

                     Are you like asking me
out on a date?

No, that wouldn't be
enough for me. I need more.
Much more 😉

                                 Me:                                          Even though you find a way                     
to rope me "being yours" Don't think that I will enjoy one secound of it.  Because I wont.         

You, me tonight

"Ugh!" I put my phone on my desk, resting my elbows on top of my desk, and bury my face in my hands. What does he want from me? And should I tell Shawn about this?

I headed to the kitchen thinking that I might need some coffee. Still confused about what just happened a few minutes ago in Shawn's office room, and the thing doesn't make it better than Egon just texted me.

I brewed new coffee and took a cup and walked back to my desk, and see that the door to Shawn's office is on ajar. First I thought it was weird because it was closed when I walked to the kitchen. But I just shrugged it off, thinking that he probably walked out and forgot to close the door, or that he opened it to show that it's okay for his employees to walk in.

But it wasn't until I sat down I heard two manly voices in there. One of them where Shawn's of course, and the other one was his dad's? For real, what does he want now? Is he going to force Shawn to quit his company and start working with his dad's company?

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