Part 8~ Lie

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"But I'm not one of those girls that falling that easy" "We'll see about that. But that's of course, you just his toy and are only going to be that for a week" I crossed my arms "Well I'm not his little toy" "Oh common Hannah. Everyone here knows that he was bidding on you just so he could have you for a week. And when the week is over he pretends that he never met you"

She looked down at me again and inspected "Don't you think that the dress was a wrong choice for this event?" I looked down on myself "Well, he didn't tell me that we were going to an event. So I just grabbed the first best thing I could find. And he bought this for me because he said that he thought it would looked nice on me"

"Oh, poor girl. Don't you understand? He just wants you to follow his orders because that is a turn on, on him. Were you expecting that he would have you if you aren't following his orders? He isn't who you think he is. He didn't bid on you because he thought that you were pretty, on the contrary. He bid on you so he can get into your pants and after a week you are like a stranger to him. And if I know him right you are not his type. He likes beautiful girls with a lot of money and not lite you. He is after them who look like me, he probably just felt sorry for you because no one was bidding on you"

The things she said to me made my esteem sunk down to zero. I swallowed the lump in my throat and was just going to say something but got interrupted by James who called out for her. She looked at me one last time before she turned around and walked to James. I felt tears in my eyes and looked at Shawn who also looked at me. He tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows. Clearly showing that he wondering what just happened. I just shook my head and walked away.

I all of sudden a hand wrapped around my wrist which caused me to turn around. "What happened?" "Nothing" I shrugged and shook my head "I can clearly see that something is wrong. Was Victoria mean to you?" I shook my head, too scared to tell the truth. I don't know him after all, so I don't know how he would react.

"Are you sure?" he asked and his hand slowly creeping up on my arm. "100%" "Good, just tell me if something is wrong. As I said yesterday. No one is messing with what's mine" I smiled at him and I wanted to kiss him at that moment, but I can't. He didn't tell me to kiss him so I won't.

He ran his hand through his hair and I could see that he was thinking about something. "Well, I really don't wanna tell you this. But I just found out that the rest of the week is filled with meetings. So I won't be able to spend so much time with you"

"What am I supposed to do in Toronto without you?" my eyes switched between his "Dependent on me already?" he smirked "I like to hear that you need me already," he said low with a little hint of the raspy side of his voice and took a step closer.

"I don't know what I can or can't do without you. I would love to spend some time with Grace but she is with her bidder and probably is occupied"

"You have free rein now, just don't do anything I wouldn't approve of" "Like what?" "Like talking to other men. I'm suggesting that you are thinking about me" "If you have a week full of meetings, why did you even bid on me in the first place" "That's my prerogative. I do what I want" he almost whispered. "So, when I saw you, I just felt that I needed to buy you" I smiled slightly and took a step closer. "So, when does your meeting start?" "In one hour, so Roger is going to dive you home and drop me off on the way. But I will get home in the evening" I just nodded, didn't know who I could respond. He grabbed my hand and we walked out of the building.

The time was around 10 pm and I had just taking a long shower and I was cleaning a little in Shawns home. It wasn't much to clean up, but I cleaned a little. I only wore one of Shawn's oversized button-up shirt with panties because it was a really hot evening and I didn't think that he mind that I'm wearing one of his clothes.

As I was in the bedroom I heard the door opening. I turned around and saw Shawn standing in the doorframe. "Hey, did it went well at the meeting?" I asked and walked towards him. "Yes," he nodded and ran his fingers through his soft curls. "Wait, is that my shirt you are wearing?" he placed his hands on my hips and looked down at me.

"Yes," I said and my cheeks turned into a pink shade. "I didn't know that you would come home now so I just grabbed it. You can have it back if you want to" I wrapped my fingers in the hem of the shirt to take it off but Shawn stopped me by grabbing my hands and looked deep into my eyes. Just the feeling of his skin against mine sent goosebumps all over my body.

"No, you can keep it. It looks better on you" he said before he yawned big and stretched his back. "You look stiff. Do you want me to give you a massage?" I stood on my tippy toes and gave his shoulders a light squeeze "Yes please" he nodded and took off his clothes and walked his way to the bed.

Shawn is now laying on his stomach, his arms folded over his head and he let out a big sigh.

I climb over him and straddle his butt. I reached for the body oil that was standing on my nightstand and poured some oil in my palm. I rubbed my palms together and not long after the warm scent of almond filled the room.

I took a deep breath before I started to work the oil into Shawn's muscular back. I carefully stretched out the skin on his back and moved my hands to his shoulders. He let out a groan and I quickly took away my hands from him. "Did I hurt you?" I hurried to ask "No, it's just that I have such stiff shoulders. You can continue" I did as I was told and this time I wasn't so rough.

"You are really good at this," he said with a muffling sound with his head pressed against the pillow. "Thanks" I smiled and bit my lip and continued to give him the massage.

After a while, I could feel Shawn's body sink into the deepest relaxation and he let out a big deep sigh. I let go of his back and lied down next to him to wait for him to stir himself out of his daze. He turned around so he laid on his back and he looked at me with a cute smile.

"Thank you. I needed that"  he yawned big once again. "Common. Let's brush our teeth and then go to bed" I grabbed his hand and walked into the bathroom with Shawn walking behind me with heavy steps.

I stood in front of the mirror, with one hand resting on the counter while I brushed my teeth with the other hand. Shawn stood behind me and looked around. I couldn't stop looking at him through the mirror. He just looks so attractive, standing behind me with just his boxers hanging on his hips.

He caught me looking at him so I quickly looked away. I saw in the corner of my eyes that he looked at me through the mirror with a smirk on his lips. He placed his big hand on my hip and moved me aside and so he could spit in the sink. "Are you coming?" he asked and looked down at me. "Yes. I'm coming. You can go to bed and I'm coming right after" he peaked my cheek with his soft lips and disappeared out from the bathroom.

I finished with brushing my teeth and walked into the bedroom. Shawn had closed his eyes, so I thought that he already was asleep, so I carefully climbed into the bed and covered myself with the silky cover. I all of sudden felt his hot breath against the back of my neck and his strong arm wrapped around my waist.

"Don't think about what Victoria told you. She's just jealous" I widened my eyes and turned around to face him "So you could hear everything?" he nodded his head "I think that everyone could hear what she said to you. But don't think about that. Everything she told you is a lie. You are beautiful, you really are"

That was the last thing he said before he placed a soft kiss on my forehead and slowly drifted away to sleep. Leaving me awake with a lot of thoughts in my head.

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