I went to sleep that night with the blade Sweet Pea gave me under my pillow. I was scared to death. I woke up the next morning throwing up everything I had in my stomach. Everything was fine for a few days no mention of the black hood and no threats, I figured maybe Sweet Pea was right maybe it was just a prank. It was the end of the week now and nothing happened. There was one day of school and then the weekend was coming, it would be fine. I had my appointment in Greendale and I was gonna take the bus there. I went to sleep and woke up the next morning, no package, no sign of danger everything was okay. I had to walk to school because Pea had my car at the mechanic fixing it up, and he had basketball practice this morning so he couldn't pick me up like usual. I began my walk and it was casual till I felt a presence behind me. I was beyond scared. I took the knife out of my pocket as I turned around to a gun in my face. The green eyes of the Black Hood stared back at me and I froze. He held his hand up with a note. He gestured for me to take it and I did before I watched him run off into the distance. I turned running to school. I ran to the student lounge and Pea stood up instantly, and I ran into his arms.

"Y/N what happened, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"He, he had a gun... in my face"

"Who? Who had a gun"

"The bla... black hood" the nauseous feeling overtook as I ran to the nearest classroom throwing up. Sweet Pea came up behind me holding my hair back as I threw up. "Hey it's okay baby" he handed me water and I took it. "Pea... he gave me another note" We looked at it something I hadn't done, and it said open it when home.

"Okay, listen I am walking you home and we are opening that letter together okay" I heard the bell ring over us, but I just stood there. "I promise you baby it will be okay, I'll figure this out" I wanted to believe it but I didn't know if he could. School went by rather quickly and I went to meet everyone at lunch. Pea came up behind me and kissed me on the cheek as he sat down.

"Not eating baby girl?"

"Not hungry"

"Here eat this applesauce at least, I know you're scared but you need to eat" I didn't want to I still had nausea, but I knew if I didn't he would question me and I needed to keep him safe he couldn't know. I took a bite of the apple before I got up running to the bathroom and I threw up. I heard the door open and Sweet Pea walk in.

"Okay Y/N what is going on you never get sick and this is the second time today"

"I don't know Pea I think I'm just scared or something"

"Okay well we are skipping the rest of the day, we need to get you home and figure out what this note is so you can calm down. We will figure this out okay"

He helped me stand up bring me to his bike and to my house. On the door was a note Pea grabbed it off the door reading it before showing me. I hope you didn't open your letter. I will know if you did. I gave him the key before he opened the door. Walking in before me holding onto my hand. I think he was scared someone would be inside. We sat on the couch as he grabbed the letter out of his backpack.

"Do you want me to open it?"

"Ye.. yeah we need to" he began to open it and I started shaking as I started to read it. I thought I told you to break up with the Southsider. If you do not listen to the demand you will pay the price. Both you and your Serpent boy. I am not bluffing, you know what I did to Fred Andrews the same can happen to your boy, and yourself but this time I won't fail. The tears began to fall, I was full on sobbing as Pea sat there shocked, I could tell he was thinking about what to do.


"Y/N" he stood up and kneeled in front of me. "Y/N I, I don't want to do this"

"Pea... don't"

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