March 20, 2018

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When the Lord convicts, reproves, corrects-heed! Whenever we are unsure about leading and direction, it's due to our not walking close enough. There is always the need of constant growth and improvement. Remember the chief goal is to know Christ, not the selfish, "What can I get?" Make it your desire to know Christ intimately. Delight in Him and He will give you the desires of your heart.

Psalm 125

The Lord is forever with us. The wicked's persecution of us won't last forever. With every temptation the Lord won't give us above that we were able. Stand firm. Our redemption draws night! Those who stay backslid run the risk of being given up to the wicked and vain imagination of their hearts.

Genesis 23

Live such a  life where you will be missed and noted when you're gone. Abraham kept his decorum, showing respect even during the time of his grieving.

Don't take advantage of people's generosity.

Jeremiah 4

Despite our wickedness, mercy is extended upon condition of repentance! What a Savior! The Lord God is alive, the Truth, the Righteous Judge. Those who are in Him are blessed. Those who have been redeemed, glory! Circumcise your heart. Those who reject will face God's fury and unquenchable fire. Repent and be cleansed in the Blood of the Lamb. You will find salvation in Christ. Repent now without delay. No longer be rebellious. It's a stubbornness of rejecting God that brings damnation upon yourself. He is not willing that any should perish. Sin brings forth death. Turn and live!

Those who reject God/backslide are foolish, they don't know Him, they are stupid, worldly wise, but have no knowledge or care for God's wisdom that would reveal truth for salvation. Buy wisdom. Sell in not. What God declares, He does.

Colossians 3

Keep and fix your mind on God and His Kingdom. Live loosely on this earth. We are dead, alive in Christ as it's He who rules in us. Our glorious hope. When He returns we will be with Him (Revelation 21:3-5). Be steadfast.

Rid yourself of the works of the flesh: fornication, uncleanness, wrong affections, evil lust, violent sexual desire, and covetousness which leads to idolatry because it consumes your thoughts-thus, it's your idol. This is the cause of the wrath of God! Even if this was you, now, a new creature in Christ, put it off! Don't return to anger, wrath, hatred, blasphemy, filthy communications and lies. Live like Christ. Let Him renew you, reign over and in you.

Actively be involved and a showcase for mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering, forbearance, love, peace, thankfulness and forgiveness. Not so you receive glory but Christ. It's only in Him can I sincerely do these things.

Spend much time in the Word, let it absorb your mind. Teach, edify each other. Sing to the Lord. Do all things to bring glory to Him.

Wives, submit to your husband. This pleases God. Obey and respect your parents. Be diligent, just, tender, obedient, unselfish, unhypocritical and faithful. Fear God. Be full of integrity, goodmworks cheerfulness and contentment. Don't be idle and slothful. Do all as if you were doing it for the Lord. The Lord will reward your deeds, whether good or evil. There is no respect of persons with God. We all have to sand before the judgment seat of Christ.

 We all have to sand before the judgment seat of Christ

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