February 6, 2018

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If we confess our sins, God will forgive us. He remembers our sins no more. He doesn't keep a track record. He doesn't hold a grudge. We fall, yet He still forgives. His right hand upholds us. It's the Lord's mercy and grace, all glory to Him! We have absolutely nothing to brag about. Pride shouldn't exist in the life of a servant of God.  Forgive one another as Christ forgives!

Psalm 81

Sing joyfully to the Lord. Give Him your best, your all! Play instruments for His glory!

Remember His laws often, and self evaluate. What a God we serve that He hears and answers!

Let no idol rise in Christ's place! No other gods! He is our God! Almighty in power, glorious Redeemer! Obey, else He give you up! He longs for us to obey. There is no unfairness or unrighteousness with Him. Those who reject Him damn themselves. Submit to Him sincerely. He alone can satisfy.

Matthew 5

Blessed are the

1. Poor in spirit (humble and lowly)

2. Mourning (Godly sorrow worketh repentance)

3. Meek (quietly submitting to God)

4. Hungry and Thirsty after righteousness (earnest and sincere for more of God)

5. Pure (kept in God)

6. Merciful (to others spiritual and physical needs)

7. Peacemakers (NOT peacekeepers)

8. Persecuted (Precious in the eyes of the Lord is the death of His saints)

We are to shine for Jesus, and let Him receive all the glory! We are constantly failing it's not "good for us" but glory that God should even use vile creatures such as we!

Jesus came to expound the law. Because grace we're enabled to obey the law and because of grace we get mercy upon sincere repentance and confession when we fail.

Hatred is a huge sin. Forgive! Lust is sin! What is a man profiteth if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? Beware of sin. Keep pure. Divorce is a sin!

Fulfill promises made to God. Speak the Truth. Resist evil. Be kind to all and pray for all. Imitate Christ's example. God is merciful. Seek Him while He may be found. Be holy and perfect. God's standards haven't' wavered or changed Old Testament into New Testament.

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