February 16, 2018

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Without faith it is impossible to please God. This also includes salvation. It's not our works that saves us, though faith in God will produce works.

It's so important to realize how big and able God is. He simply says, "Seek Me first and My Kingdom." That's our job. Seek Him, believe, and trust in faith.

When God calls, answer in obedience. Don't second guess, wonder or worry over the details. If God is calling- He is not to be denied. Who is to say He'll give a second chance? He doesn't owe man anything! Pray to be a fitting vessel for your Master's use! When God calls, trust Him. He will provide the means. Faith and ready obedience is key.

Psalm 91

He that dwelleth- NOTE: not visited. To have this security, you must be IN Christ. He is a Shield and Protector from the enemies advances. Like a baby bird under it's mom's wing, so are we comforted and nurtured in our Saviour's love. Knowing we are secure in Him we have nothing to fear.  He is our Defender, our Mighty Warrior!

"Habitation"- shows residing! He protects His own.

Because we love Him, He will deliver us. He will hear and answer our prayers. He will never leave nor forsake us. He will keep us alive until our work for Him is complete.

Matthew 15

It's not good to add or take away from God's Word. It goes to show that men think God's word isn't enough, or as if He withheld something from us.

Jesus rebuked tradition of men. Watch that we are serving the Lord in sincerity. The heart is desperately wicked. In it is all sorts of sin. The way one talks reveals their heart's sins. God's truth offends those against it!

Faith is honored! Cast your burdens, cares, anxieties, problems, issues and weaknesses at the feet of Jesus. He cares! He has the power to help. He can heal. When you cast them down- don't take them up again.

Jesus is compassionate and again gives us the model to pray before we eat. It is a wonder that the disciples forgot so soon that Jesus had just fed 5000!

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