February 9, 2018

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We may stumble and fall, but God is faithful still. He upholds us with His power. He who has begun a good work in us will be faithful to complete it. Don't give up. Press forward. Don't sit and mope. Get up. Confess (to Christ!), repent and keep going.

Psalm 84

There's nothing on earth that can compare to heaven! We get tastes of it's beauty, but the prize and glory of heaven is Jesus! Nothing but nothing should so hold our affections here. Oh to be just my Lord's servant, just to be near Him is worth more than all I could be offered here on earth! Blessed, full of praise are they near... face to face wit the Redeemer! He is our Shield. Hear us when we call for You, O Lord. All good gifts come from Jesus. All true happiness is in Him alone!

 Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee. Selah. Psalm 84:4

Matthew 8

When Jesus speaks, something happens immediately. He was compassionate. The centurion showed humility and faith and declared Christ sovereign. Jesus seems willing to displace Himself to help.

Gentiles are also included in God's plan of salvation! The centurion was an outsider (Gentile), but it was him who Jesus said showed the most faith in Israel! The Israelites who should have been the ones with the most faith (considering how mightily God has/had worked for them), forgot/didn't see/had no faith! For without faith it is impossible to please God!

Thus, the "children of the Kingdom" are Israelites!

Peter was MARRIED making the Roman Catholic Church's beliefs moot.

We shouldn't expect better treatment than Jesus had. To follow Christ, we must deny ourselves. We can't love anything or anyone more than Jesus! It's 100% commitment or none.

Jesus is sovereign over all. Sad that people preferred pigs over Jesus.

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