January 9, 2018

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Love is what gave us free will. Had there been none, God would have been a Dictator. In loving kindness, He gave us the choice to come to Him. How many turn their backs! Oh, we pray for their souls- they're breaking the Creator's heart!- but in the end, we must declare how righteous, true, and just are Your verdicts and decision! You are Holy! Holy! Holy! Almighty Righteous One! To think that anyone is offered salvation is beyond human comprehension. To reject our beautiful Jesus- how can you? Without excuse.

Thank God for creation, thank God for salvation and redemption! Thank God for free will! Help me love You more, blessed Jesus, blessed King.

Psalm 53

It's not a simpleton, or even a man void of understanding that would find the audacity of saying or thinking there is no God, but a fool. How can they possibly think that? Everything screams that there is a Creator. They  are altogether corrupt.

God watches mankind to see if anyone still has a heart that would seek after Him. Mankind has only gotten worse. If Lot and Noah's day were punish-worthy how much the more now?

Most ignore His voice, ever calling. The world and it's affairs shout while Jesus pleads softly.

Psalm 53:4(a) Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge?

1 Corinthians 6

What a sad laughing stock we are to the world with our public petty fighting! Jesus commanded  us to love one another! If there is a quarrel, settle it quietly in the body of believers.

The unrighteous won't inherit the Kingdom of God. There traits include: fornicators, idolaters, adulterous, effeminate, thieves, covetous, drunks, defamers, and extortioners. Yet, praise to Jesus, His Blood can cleanse! His voice still calls! He can draw the evilest man out of many waters to Him! Praise God!

I was a fornicator- pardoned! Idolater- pardoned! Thief- pardoned! Covetous-pardoned! Drunk-pardoned! Matchless grace! Amazing love! Hallelujah! He cleanses me!

I won't take grace in vain, Jesus bought me with the greatest of price- a nobody, unworthy! I will serve, obey, love and glorify Him for His wonderfulness to me! It's the least I can do.

Never forget how much redemption cost.

Never forget how much redemption cost

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