February 10, 2018

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May we always bear in mind Pilate's decision. In constant effort to please the people, he denied Christ. May we please and obey God. His recommendation and approval outdoes any man's! May we never buckle under pressure, but suffer whatever we must. Never deny Christ! An eternity of damnation isn't worth one moment's respite!

Psalm 85

Our sins are completely atoned for. Praise the Lord for forgiveness of all our sins! Who can stand under the Lord's anger? It will be poured out upon those who reject Him, upon the children of disobedience! O repent! Who can stand in the fierceness of His wrath on that great day?

Without God's revival and His favorable countenance, there's no joy. May we plead for His mercy and salvation. Listen when He speaks! He speaks peace TO HIS PEOPLE who have turned to Him in sincere repentance. The greatest folly of sin is to return to it like a dog to it's vomit once delivered!

Jesus grants salvation to those who seek Him with holy fear. Every good thing comes from God.

Matthew 9

Jesus sees our hearts and our faith, or lack of. Faith pleases Him!

When we're forgiven, we can rejoice!

When Jesus calls, run to Him!

Something about Jesus and His disciples drew seekers to Him.

Pride says we're okay. Humble ones see their great need of forgiveness.

Jesus' goal was to come and buy salvation, to call men to accept His gift through faith and repentance.

We ought to worship God, even under severe trials and tribulations. Let us seek Him with sincere faith! He tests our faith, encouraging us to pray and pray on, regardless if we're answered immediately or not. Have faith in God. He will act upon it. He is compassionate. He desires all men to be saved. He desires us to pray for other's salvation and be active in the process.

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