March 14, 2018

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You either glorify yourself or God. You fear man, or God. You seen man's approval, or God's. There is no middle ground.

The Lord searches for lowly servants, willing to humble themselves, giving all for Him. You can't be full of yourself and useful for Christ. Humble yourself to be fit for the Master's use.

Do all things as if you were doing it for the Lord. Give glory to God in all you do. Remember He watches.

Only Christ can deliver from the bondage of sin. No amount of willpower, selfhelp or goodness on our part can break the chain of sin. Yield to Jesus.

Psalm 118

Praise the Lord! He is good! His mercy is everlasting!

Come to Him during joy or trouble, knowing He hears and can deliver as He pleases! Knowing that the Lord is on our side, what have we to fear? He is our Refuge and Strength.

You will serve who you fear. Men will fail. The Lord doesn't fail. From everlasting to everlasting He is God! Victorious! He is our Help, Salvation and Song. He is Almighty, powerful, valiant, exalted!

We won't die until our work for Jesus is complete.

The Lord chastens the ones He loves- never pleasant, but useful and needful. He corrects me with a rod, not a sword of destruction. he corrects me, but hasn't given me over to death. Merciful is He in all His doings. Help me walk righteously before You. I praise God for I know He hears me. He is my Savior! Jesus is our Rock! All His works are marvellous!

Be grateful for each new day, praise Him for continued mercies.

Save, O Lord, bless me indeed. Blessed be Jesus Christ! The Lord has called us out of darkness into His glorious Light! Exalt Him. Praise Him forevermore.

Genesis 17

It's the Lord (never-changing God)who put a standard of holiness for HIs people. Walk before Him. Be perfect. Assume a posture of worship before the Lord. No pride, laziness or conceit should be in me.

"Many nations"... all who come to faith in Jesus are blessed in their spiritual father, Abraham.

Pray earnestly for our children! O that Rachelle and Nathanael might live before Thee!

The Lord hears.

Philippians 1

Be confident, and assured of this: The work the Lord begins, He completes. Praise His Holy Name!  Be abounding in love, growing daily in Christ. Dwell on higher things. Be diligent and faithful in your walk so you are sincere and without offense until the end. Don't take offense, or be an offense. Don't let the seeds of offense grow. Let no one ever have to ask if we are Christ's for lack of fruits!

All "goodness" we emit is due to Jesus... all glory to Him alone! Be full of the Spirit. Bring glory and praise to the Lord in all that you do. Pray for boldness to declare Jesus. Be sure He is magnified in your word and deed, in life and in death, good times and bad.

We won't die before our work for Christ here is done. Don't seek life nor death, leave it in the Creator's able hand and seek His honor. Walk worthy of your calling. Let your deeds match your words as becomes a servant of the Most High.

Stand fast. Strive for the faith of the gospel. Strive together, not against each other, but never compromise. If God be for us, whom shall I fear? Don't be terrified of your enemies or of death. Those who die who's lives are HIDDEN in God, will be in glory.. a far better place. Those without Christ to damnation, utter loss, perdition, and ruin. Seek the Lord! Consider suffering for His sake as a privilege.

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