March 3, 2018

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The good news of the gospel isn't meant to hoard. "Feed My sheep," Jesus said. As water that cannot be held within the hand, when the living waters flow, they also cannot be contained!

Unlike popular opinion, Jesus' Words aren't about coexisting or compromise! Have NO fellowship with the works of darkness, but rather reprove them. (Psalm 1). Bad company corrupts! Be very careful.

Psalm 106

Praise the Lord, He is worthy! Who can count or recall all of His mercies?

The righteous(godly) are blessed. They are not the one-time-only but have holiness as their lifestyle.

Save me also! Pass me not! May I rejoice and be glad in the Lord!

There is none righteous, all have sinned. Rehearse and remember the Lord's commands and deeds. (My people perish from a lack of knowledge). It's due to His mercy, not our merit that He has saved us! He is our Savior and Redeemer.

Don't be a miracle based believer!

Don't run before Him. Don't be envious, discontent, coveteous, wicked, lest God fulfill your desires and give you up (Romans 1). Never forget where you came from and the Lord's graciousness to you.

Stand in the gap for souls! Abhor unbelief, doubts, and complaining.

Phineas' righteousness= standing up against the flow for God and righteousness!

Avoid unnecessary time intermingled with the world, it's easy to b=pick up their ungodly habits and lifestyle. It's a snare!

Sin cannot stand before the Lord. Watch yourself against sin and against those who merely claim they are a child of God, but no fruits. God abhorred His own because of their WILLFUL sin and disobedience.

The Lord sees and hears all. In His mercy, He still delivers and shows compassion. Bless the Lord and praise His Name!

Genesis 3

 Delusion and deception aren't going to be loud and obvious. The devil has had thousands of years practice. The temptation of power, self sufficiency and discontent was presented.

Why hide but to conceal sin? Fellowship was lost.

Adam blamed God! The promise of a Saviour... Jesus. It's God's command to honor and submit to our husband. It's God's rule. Any anti-submission, including things such as feminist movements/womens lib, is sin, and a result of sin! Eve's punishment? Labor in birth. Adam's? Labor in work. God's design! Imagine the reminder for Adam, a slave to the earth, "The wages of sin is death, for dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return..." with every forkful of dirt turned.

Man had work before and after the fall. Idleness never an option.

Despite their massive fall, God still "fatherly" clothed them. Blood was shed because of sin. Only by the shedding of Blood is there forgiveness of sin. .. a shadow of Jesus.

Galatians 3

Jesus has broken the chains of sin and death, giving us liberty!

Remember the poor. "As if you were doing it unto Me." Be charitable. Don't be hypocritical, two-faced...

Just because we're justified by faith doesn't mean we're to live as we please. Our love and gratitude to God enables and gives us the desire for obedience to God's law. We don't take grace in vain.

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