January 16, 2018

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God is watching for persistence. Those indwelt by the Holy Spirit were persistent, and above that, tremendously obedient to Jesus' Word to tarry until the Spirit would "Catch up". But, unless God builds the house, they labor in vain. God is pleased with persistence. The one who sincerely seeks will find! It also shows our desire whether short lived and hypocritical or true. God gives, but only in His timing. He owes us nothing, we can't rush Him. Wait patiently and pursue. He loves to hear us ask in faith, He listens. Continue to ask.

Psalm 60

Let it be our constant plea, "Leave us not!" Don't take me anywhere unless You are with me. I want nothing besides You. Forsake me not! He won't. He promised. Let that be our biggest fear- for if God ever did- His right- we would be damned.

Jesus is our Banner. We are shielded. We can triumph under Him! Glory in Him! Boast of Him! He is our Banner! Jehovah Nissi!

All God does and says is holy. Never treat Him as though His standards have slipped. He is holy, it's His nature. Regard Him as such and be humbled and reverent. In trouble, man can't save us. Don't rely on anyone, but be found in Christ. In Him alone is safety and strength. In Christ and in Christ alone, and only through and because of Him will we be victorious. He will save!

Psalm 60:4-5 Thou hast given a banner to them that fear thee, that it may be displayed because of the truth. Selah. That thy beloved may be delivered; save with thy right hand, and hear me.

1 Corinthians 13

Jesus said if we are God's we'll have love. By love men will know we are His. Love is important! God Himself is love. It's His nature.

Charity is love.

Love forebears. Christ the key example. No more perfect love than His.

Love is kind. It doesn't envy or boast. It's not proud or haughty. Love looks at the welfare of others, is generous, selfless and hospitable. Love isn't easily offended, and thinks no evil. Love doesn't rejoice in sin but in the Truth. Love doesn't second guess, or assume the worst. Love hopes and endures. Love doesn't die.

In heaven, we'll understand clearly.

Put away childish things and behavior.

Love is the very best gift! It's a picture of our God. He is above the best of all love is. Perfect One. No flaws in Thee.

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