February 21, 2018

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Now is the time to gird ourselves up in the faith of Jesus Christ. When the foe comes, it won't be the time to try to sturdy up a low faith. Prepare your heart now. Pray for God's grace to endure. For it's only he who endures to the end that will be saved. He who relies completely on Christ won't be put to shame. Come to the Living Water and keep on drinking daily. It's not a one-of.

Psalm 96

Praise the Lord with everything within you. Declare His salvation and mercy. Fear Him, He isn't a false god, or an idol made with hands. He is alive and sovereign. He is the Mighty Creator! He is Majestic... strength, honor, beauty, glory, and worship belong to Him. Render the King His due.

Psalm 96:7-9  Give unto the Lord, O ye kindreds of the people, give unto the Lord glory and strength. Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name: bring an offering, and come into his courts.O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness: fear before him, all the earth.

Matthew 20

Don't be idle. Strive to do His will from your youth up. Don't wait until old age to accept the Lord- mercy may not be extended- but be comforted that even the eleventh hour service, God will accept.

Don't show envy, but proclaim God's saving grace.

Be a humble servant, don't strive to make a name for yourself. Let the Lord exalt you. Don't strive for man's approval, but seek to be approved by God. Be charitable.

The most beautiful two words in the entire Bible to me are verses 30-34. Jesus STOOD STILL. He didn't keep walking. he heard their pitiful cries and had compassion. He hears! He stands still! He bends His ear at the sound of His servant's voice. Be so earnest, humble and persistent. Cast yourself upon the mercy seat. Show faith in prayer. Don't be timid or hesitant in your pursuit for mercy. Persevere in prayer!

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