January 6, 2018

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God will bless even the smallest of faith.

Fear sometimes leads to faith, but it's  important to truly love and want to serve God, rather than selfishly just trying to avoid hell and punishment.

God is rich is mercy, His grace abounding to even former blasphemers! Once we see and truly acknowledge the depths of our sinfulness, we'll agree we have nothing to boast of for salvation given, and even our goodness isn't enough.

Faith isn't only believing what can't be seen but also believe all God's Word and promises, without doubt- unwavering and obeying.

God is most willing to reach out and save al who cry to Him and is especially pleased with faith. Even when we flounder and fix our eyes on the storm, with just one cry, He'll rescue. Amazing grace!

Psalm 50

God is returning as a mighty Judge!

All creation is His. How awesome to realize He knows all the birds- He knows everything. Omniscience! What care! He is Lord of all and owns all. What can we offer Him He doesn't already have or deserve? This should make us all the more in awe of Him. Give Him thanks!

Fulfill what promises you make to God. Don't just flap your lips like your vows to Him are nothing and can be broken.

He delivers all those who call on Him. Not can deliver but He, awesome in power!

Don't be partakers with sinners, don't be a hypocrite. Don't take grace in vain. Though He is forebearing, He won't always. Judgment...righteous judgment awaits. Beg salvation and be cleansed in His Blood while mercy is still offered!

Praise glorifies and pleases God. In word and deed, glorify Him! Those who honor, obey and love the Lord shall be saved. It's amazing that He who owns the world, the Creator could be pleased with man's praises!

1 Corinthians 3

Carnal minds cannot understand deep Scripture, and can only feed on simple truths. Unless we are spiritually minded, the Spirit showing and revealing the depths of Scripture, we can't fully understand. The carnal flesh envies, fights and divides. It acts very little different from the world. This is wrong!

We aren't to glory in any man, or put anyone on a pedestal ,but all glory to God alone and it's through Him alone who grants wisdom. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God...".

We're to labor together for God's Kingdom work, pointing lost souls to Calvary for salvation. Labor together in unity. Those who cleave and preach Christ only will be tried and approved. Those who tamper will be refused.

Don't compromise! We are God's bought with a great price, we ought to glorify Him, stay pure, chaste and clean. Anyone who compromises indulges themselves and others with loose "It's Ok"...abusing grace, is in for trouble. Christ is our Husband, we're to be a pure, chaste bride.

Again, the most prestigious wisdom this world has is foolish garbage-unprofitable- in God's eyes. We ought to be aiming for His wisdom instead.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.

1 Corinthians 3:16-17 Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are

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