March 12, 2018

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We are not to serve God for what we can get from Him (commercializing salvation), but because we love Him.

Deny all, sacrifice all, to serve Him so there's no love nor affection for anything that could stand between us and Him/be a cause of denial.

Lift your eyes off of self. Worship Christ! Worship Him, not self. Worship comes not only in singing but through glorifying Him in all we do. Nothing we have is ours... it all comes from God. Offer it right back to Him.

It's easy to worship Him, and understand why we MUST when we know Who He is. Ponder the greatness of His mercy, ponder His greatness... let worship rise.

Psalm 115

May God receive all the glory, not us. You become greater, me, less. Father, glorify Thy Name! The only One worthy of glorification is truly Jesus! He is God alone! The heathen mock our God, but what is theirs? Made with human hands, of perishable material. False, unmoving, unseeing, unhearing...nothings! Useless. Deceived are they that put their trust in them.

Trust in the Lord, our Help from ages past.Our Shield, Deliverer, and Strong Tower. Fear Him. He watches, nourishes, cares for us! He doesn't falter or sleep. He will bless and remember us. He is Possessor of heaven and earth. Praise while we're alive. He is the Subject, the only One worthy of our praise.

Genesis 15

Fear not! I am with you. I am your Shield. Jesus is our Reward. Better than life or all the glories of heaven is Jesus. Don't fear. Trust Him. Abraham's God is ours too. Unchangeable! Abraham believed-with obedience- it was counted to him for righteousness. Faith. Move in faith.

Ephesians 5

Follow God, innocently. Believe and imitate Him. Walk in love, the self-denying love like Christ's to us. Don't commit fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, jesting (things that are not useful). This is not okay. Flee evil. Abhor sin, for sexually immoral persons, unclean persons, covetous, idolaters, and disobedient won't have a part in God's Kingdom. Don't be deceived by fluffy preaching (no offense, sugar, watered down) for those who willfully practice these sins will have the wrath of God upon them.

How can we laugh along with the very things that will bring down the wrath of God? (ex. TV shows, conversations,etc.) "Little sins, no biggie." It's going to bring own the wrath of God! The wrath of God is going to come upon people! If we think shootings, etc, are bad, how much worse the ETERNAL wrath of God for things we take amusement in? Separate yourself!

Don't let yourself be fooled, deceived by pastors who are scared (or blind themselves!) to preach for fear of losing members. It IS nicer on the ears to listen to them ease over these stern warnings than to hear the Truth. Don't be deceived into thinking it's okay- God's grace covers. Then will come the wrath of God on the hey-cera-cera believer and deceiving pastor who okayed it.

Be not partakers (involved). You who have been delivered from darkness, walk in the Lord's light. Have no dealings/fellowship (fellowship sought out) with the unfruitful works of darkness. (Those who don't produce fruit are cut off!) Charge them with a fault, warn them, rebuke! It's bad enough to even speak about what they do "in secret". Nothing is hid from God. God's light reveals. Awake to righteousness and sin not! Wake up! Repent! Warn others! Be watchful and prudent, not as the godless, but wisely. Spend your (God loaned) time in wisdom, for His glory and service. The days are evil. Seek clarity of vision. A purpose! Buy wisdom. Don't be a drunk. Be filled with the Holy Ghost! Take care not to grieve Him, the earnest seal of your redemption. Don't be involved/influenced by the things of the world. Don't listen to their music. Sing songs, hymns and spiritual songs. Be in praise! Give thanks always. Be respectful to each other. Do good. Fear the Lord.

Wives, submit. This is God's will.

God---- Husband----Wife.

Husbands, love your wife as you do yourself. Care for her. You're her covering. The Lord loves His church and gave Himself. So follow, and love sacrificially. Through Christ, we're clothed in His spotless righteousness. Nourish, care for, feed, love and cherish your wife as Jesus does His bride. Leave and cleave. This is the will of God. Leave no room for second guessing your devotion, and faithfulness. Love your wife, reverence your husband.

 Love your wife, reverence your husband

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