Chapter 8: Bloody Event.

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Chapter 8: Bloody Event.

"No reason to stay is a good reason to go". - Unknown

Song- For The Love Of A Daughter-  Demi Lovato.


I love you.

"I do." Adrian said shyly, his hands clenched up like he was nervous. His face reddening within his cheeks, I could tell it might be true.

"B-b-but Adrian you mean in a best-friend type if way." I jokingly asked causing myself to stutter and my nose cringing to inform him that, that word was so inappropriate almost disgusting.

Um yeah.. Of course." He replied sounding a bit distorted and completely distasteful as he snatched the crumpled paper out of my hand. Now only to continue finishing his homework by as this means, staring blankly at unsolved equations and difficult formulas.

"Oh I knew that." I quickly gave him a light smile while pulling the hems of my summer dress down.

                     I knew it, really I did. He was my best friend he is. He can't love me in that special way, he never looked at me in that way, like what kind of boy that has some sort of feelings for one another, strips right in front of my own eyes, thankfully his plaited pattern boxers were still on, while he let his pants hang low, making me run for my life. Causing me to trip over my furniture. He only did this once because we played a game an alcoholic game.

                  While he was drunk I was completely sober as I switched my drink with apple juice instead of the alcoholic substance because I needed to make sure nothing was going to happen. As in my little secret about Adrian will not be out in the open and the secret I kept wouldn't be confessed to the one I tried so long to be kept from.


              It was already the next day, time flew so fast. It felt like I had nothing to live for, no hope no reason. No reason to stay was a good reason to go. That would be my last option I couldn't leave this place as much as I wanted to. I had family, not a big perfect family but it was a family of three just two parents that couldn't really care less about me. As least I had parents and a roof over my head right? I could live without love that was okay. I had Adrian as a friend that was enough for me.

                   As I hurriedly made my way down stairs I walked past my mother drinking her breakfast. Oh not just any breakfast her favourite, the most precious bitter liquid that distorts the mind. As much as its distasteful it was purely addicting. There was living proof right before my eyes. I didn't stop to talk to her, I knew this time would surely be her mood swing time. I couldn't bare to hear another drunk person yell at me as to my recent encounter with my father. Who I woke up by walking past his bedroom, and he accused me of waking him up. Even though I tried my best to walk past discreetly trying to avoid disturbing him from his hangover. Unfortunately I failed at that.

             I heard the glass smash on the floor just as I was about to head out the main door. I quickly rushed in to see my mother laying on the wooden floor, looking pale and unconscious.

             I went up to her and sat on my knees, slapping the sides of her checks waiting to see any response. But I got nothing.

Until my eyes landed on the broken piece of glass lodged into her neck. It looked deep, and the blood staining the carpet rug right beneath her body. I took her head in my hand and pressed my free hand to her neck trying to stop the bleeding after I took the piece of glass out of her neck.

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