Chapter 7: A Simple Meaning.

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Dedicated to me and my make-believe fairy tale life I make in my head. Also dedicated to my twitter friend Sabrina. She is the best person to talk to on twitter, made friends with her instantly:) I know those people at your school are cruel but you just wait and see. You will be something big while they will be nothing. Just remember that those who hurt other's for no apparent reason has imperfections of their own. Love you Sabrina! @DaoudSabrina follow her on twitter ❤:)

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Song: All about us- by: Here Is We featuring Owl City

Chapter 7: A Simple Meaning.

"It is better to offer no excuse than a bad one." George Washington

"Never love anybody who treats you like you're ordinary" - Oscar Wilde


"Hello." The stealthy charming voice whispered showing his hands up motioning to place it on my mouth.

I screamed, screamed, screamed and screamed my lungs out.

"Geez you have a loud mouth not how I remembered you." He quietly said as he put his hand over my mouth.

My screams became dull and muffled under his hand over my mouth as well as the lack of fresh oxygen from underneath the blanket.

         How he remembered me? now a million other thoughts crossed my mind, has he met me before? I wondered how I couldn't remember him if we did but at the state i was in. I couldn't bring myself up to talk about what he just said.

"Now if you promise you won't scream, I'll take my hands off your mouth."' He informed me strictly.

As I nodded to his comment, I thought about what my best action to do but I didn't really think it through so I just went for it. I punched him right in the stomach.

It was a weak punch but boy did it make him get his hand off my mouth and leap off my bed which made him role on the floor. Which I couldn't help but chuckle with a smirk forming on my lips.

"Lennon! That hurt." My kidnapper shouted, helping himself stand up and letting his hands rest on his stomach.

"Lucky you didn't hurt my manhood." He added patting down there. Although his previous action was a tad weird he still had that innocent face on, he looked harmless. Sometimes I wonder if he was the boss or if he was only forced working in this business.

"Now would you like to tell me why you were just under my blanket?" I said crossly while crossing my arms tightly.

"Well you didn't want to listen to me and you went under the covers. Looked like you didn't want to talk to me when I tried to pull it off of you." My kidnapper replied while making his way to the foot of my bed.

"You're so creepy! You kidnapped me and now you do this." I shouted back at him waving my hands everywhere in the air gesturing at how inappropriate his actions were.

"Okay Lennon calm that little soul of yours, and eat up". He handed me the wooden breakfast tray with food that looked delicious and warm.

As I look at the food, it looked quite amazing, a plate with warm waffles and chocolate spread oozing off the waffles alongside with chocolate milk to complement my meal but really a tomato he put a red plump tomato on the side as well.

"Um tomato?" I asked curiously.

"Yeah you remind me of a tomato, you blush too easily or it's because you're just flustered at how this all happened." He laughed as he pointed to the sides of my cheeks.

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