Chapter 1: Fate

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Sometimes people don't talk. It's surprising finding everything out without talking.

So many things we could find out if we were just quiet...

We could learn so much about another person if we just remained quiet...

Sometimes do you realise why that boy in class doesn't speak? He just sits there with a blank face. Others presume because he's just a 'loner' but there's a reason why he's like that. The reasons could be anything. Maybe he's just shy? Maybe he just doesn't really fancy a conversation with anyone.

That's all there is to it. Just a bunch of 'maybe's'. We don't know, we can't tell what really is going in that boy's mind until he says it himself.

Fate was a tricky thing, some people believed it and some didn't. It was hard to believe. The path of fate, well what I know is that everything happens for a reason. Good or bad. There's a reason for that to happen. There's a reason for everything.

To this day I haven't had an actual conversation where you could get lost and deep in thought in the words with the person. I only spoke when I needed to, they mostly all consisted of replies with 'yes, no, good, ok, why?'' I only spoke when Ineeded to, sometimes I feel like i've lost my voice. I could go for as long as I wanted to without speaking a single word.

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Chapter 1: Fate

My flight is in an hour, I packed everything chucked in my clothes, personal necessities, photo's. I packed everything I wanted to remember and everything I needed. I left so many things behind especially my house. It was already on sale. I was just waiting for someone to buy it. It was a beautiful house, big and bold. A large stair case leading to the foyer it was the centre piece of art it was mesmerizing it would be the first thing to catch your attention. The thought of leaving this pure beauty behind it broke my heart, I spent my life here, but I had to leave the memories behind. The memories of my teenage years were regretful.

A pasted smile grew on my lips. A smile not due to happiness a smile managing to say 'I can manage'.

"Fate don't fail me now" I muttered to myself. I walked in the building, I handed my ticket to the counter lady and exchanged it for a boarding pass. I sat down on a chair overlooking the airport cafe situated in the building. I took a book out of my bag and started reading where I left off. The book was amazing and quite woeful.

"She sat there crying she banged her head on the piano, her eyes drowning with tears until one tear slipped from her eyes followed by another and another until she was sobbing continuously. She knew Tristan was gone and all her beliefs had died with him". The book words got to me, and a single tear managed to fall down my cheeks, I quickly wiped it away and closed the book. I knew if I kept on reading I'd start sobbing here in an airport where I'd conjure a crowd.

While I was putting my book away into my bag someone caught my eye...

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