Chapter Fifty Four: Provisional Hero License Exam

Start from the beginning

Time went on and it was announced that 60 people have passed meaning that there is 40 spots left. Nerves were starting to set in as still none of our class was here.

'Think positive, Class 1-A kicks ass' I think to myself.

As 70 students had passed my knee was bouncing up and down but turning my head forward I see Momo, Tsu, Shoji and Jiro. Instantly jump up excited.

"I knew we couldn't be the only ones" I say to Shoto who smiles standing next to me.

"Good, I'm glad to see you passed Todoroki, you as well Kari" Momo says gratefully.

"I didn't doubt either of you" Tsu adds on.

"Have you seen the others?" Jiro asked us.

"No, so far we're the only ones here" I say shaking my head.

"I arrived not long ago but Kari has been here awhile" Shoto explained.

"We can't count them out" Shoji says standing behind the girls.

"I thought Midoriya had everyone working together" Shoto stated and I nodded looking at them.

"That was the plan but someone from Ketsubutsu Academy split us up with his Quirk" Momo said making me feel bad I left them.

"Just 30 spots left" Jiro states aloud.

"I hope everyone in our class passes, I feel bad for leaving you all now" I say awkwardly.

"Weren't you with Bakugo, Kirishima and Kaminari though Kari?" Tsu asks me and I smile.

"I was but I left them since I figured other schools would gang up on U.A so I decided to go off on my own plus my Quirk works best with others not around" I explain and they all nod.

We chat for a bit until the anteroom until I hear the door slide open, looking over I see Izuku, Uraraka, Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima and finally Katsuki. I smile jogging over to him, he is scowling at the floor but when he looks up a small smile on his face forms.

"You made it!" I say happily to Katsuki.

"Tch, what'd you think I wouldn't or something" He says cockily which only makes me smile more.

"There's only 11 of us here" I mumble to him and he grunts but doesn't reply because he's staring at Izuku.

"Are you okay?" I asked him since he was scowling at Izuku.

"Fuckin' fine" He said while bringing his attention back to me.

"You sure about that tough guy?" I ask chuckling and he doesn't even laugh or smile.

"That dumbass borrowed power that he got is pissing me off" Katsuki says now looking at Izuku again.

Staying quiet I look over at Izuku, thinking about how far Izuku has come with All Might's power. I smile thinking about how much he's changed and when I look back at Katsuki he's staring at me. The look in his eyes is anger making me frown.

"What do you know about Deku's Quir-" Katsuki begins to question but is interrupted.

"One hundred spots filled! One hundred students will advance! The end is finally here!" The announcement came.

"We better go make sure our whole class passed" I say quietly while walking over to everyone else.

Katsuki is starting to catch on and I have a bad feeling about the consequences of Izuku and I keeping the secret of One For All from him.


All of Class 1-A had passed! I smiled at all my classmates who made it and turned my attention to the screen which showed the arena we just fought in.

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