P Chapter. 49

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Please read the authors note at the end!

Paige's pov-
My eyes are bulging out of my head when I get off the phone. "You okay Paige?" Shawn asks me softly.

"My mom's in the hospital, she's in labor." I mutter. I'm going to have a babysister soon. But she's two months early, will she be okay?

"Come on Paige let's go." Shawn says grabbing my hand guiding me to the car.

The ride to the hospital was super nerve wrecking, especially when we pulled up, and saw all the paparazzi waiting outside.

As soon as they saw us they started screaming and shouting.

"Are you and Shawn dating Paige?"
"Is it true that you got Paige pregnant?" I almost snorted at that comment.
"Paige I heard your mom relapsed."
"Paige are you going back to rehab?"
"Shawn why did you and Becky break up?"

We finally get inside, and I burst into laughter. "They're so stupid." I giggle holding my head.

"I guess the whole world will know we're dating now." Shawn says. Dating...?

"Since when were we dating?" I mumble.

"Paige will you be my girlfriend?" He asks me griping both of my hands.

"Of course!" I exclaim hugging him.

We got the room number where mom was, but we were instructed that we had to sit in the waiting room until someone came to get me, Shawn didn't want to intrude this family moment.

I look over to Shawn who has a smile on his face and is starting at me. "Why are you smiling at me?" I laugh covering my face.

"You're so cute when you're worried." He gushes grabbing my hand. I laugh, leaning my head against his shoulder, and fall asleep.

"Paige." Someone whispers tapping me lightly.

"Hmm." I moan opening my eyes.

"You can go in now." Shawn smiles. I practically jump out of my seat, and grab my phone, I mean I have to tweet this.

@Paigelovato101: New baby in the house! Will keep y'all updated😋😘

I reach my mom's room, and knock quietly and I hear my dad mumble a, " Come in."

I walk in the room,and I see a baby in my mom's arms. I feel tears well in my eyes. "She's so cute." I whisper.

" She's 8lbs, 8 ounces. And she's 17 inches. She's perfectly healthy." Dad smiles pulling me into a side hug.

"Wait how is she at the average height, and weight if she was born a premie?" I wonder looking up at my dad.

"They miscalculated the due date." Dad explains. I nod my head, and look at my new baby sister. She's so adorable, and her face looks just like Demi, except she has Nick's nose. I bet she'll have Demi's smile, that's an amazing feature to have.

"Can I hold her?" I mumble.

"Of course babygirl." Mom says handing me the baby. I hold my little sister in my arms and hand my dad my phone.

"You're so cute." I cooe her. "And you have two amazing parents who will raise you to be an amazing person. They'll protect you like there's no tomorrow, and I don't want you to forget that you'll always have someone to talk to. I love you so much." I gush staring at her. I look up to see mom recording me tears in her eyes.

Dad then takes a picture of me holding my new baby sister. "You guys made the cutest baby ever." I whisper staring at the chubby cheeked girl. Her eyes keep fluttering open. When they open you see bright chocolate brown eyes that have a sparkle in them just like mom. I can't wait to see her smile.

"So what are you going to name her?" Mom blurts out breaking the peaceful silence. I sit there and think. What am I going to name her? I mean she's going to live with this name for the rest of her life. She needs something that will suit her.

"You know I really like Parker." I admit looking at the sleeping baby in my arms. I watch dad write down Parker Jonas on her birth certificate.

"What's her middle name?" Mom asks as dad hands the certificate to the nurse.

" I put Paisley." He announces smiling in my direction. Parker Paisley Jonas. I like that.

"Welcome to the world Parker Paisley Jonas."
So there will be an epilogue and a third book. The third book will be 5 years later. Paige won't be in the third book as often so with that I'm saying that the new character of the " Will You Be My Superman" series will be Parker.

In the epilogue I will explain the next 5 years of the Lovato-Jonas life of all the 4 family members.

I don't know what the third book will be called but I have an idea. I'm thinking of calling it " Family First."

I really do hope you enjoyed Shadow it was really fun to write and I promise Paige will not disappear she will pop into the third book often.

Can y'all comment your thoughts and opinions? Thank you so much for reading this series!

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