Dream chapter 1.

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Demi's pov-

I bolt up from my bed and look around. Paige is next to me, alive. She never really died. It was all just a dream.

"Paige" I whisper.

"Yes mom?" She mumbles.

"What's today's date?" I ask.

"October 14th. Go back to sleep, it's 5 in the morning." Paige moans rolling over not facing me. Sighing in relief I lay back down. Wrapping my arms around Paige I give her a kiss on the back of her head and drift off to sleep.

"MOM!" Someone shouts slapping me with something fluffy. Groggily opening my eyes, I look to see Paige standing over me with a pillow in her hand. Grabbing Paige's waist I pull her down placing kisses all over her face while mumbling, "You're alive."

"Of course I am mom." She giggles hugging me tightly .

"I just.." I begin, "Oh I'll tell you another time. But sing with me on stage tonight ok?"

"Ugh fine," she groans rolling off the bed and skipping into the kitchen.

After getting ready Paige and I walk to my m&g together. "You have your pass right?" I ask.

"Yea I do. Are we taking a picture together?" She wonders looking up at me with her blue eyes glistening.

"How about you photobomb some?" I smirk. A huge mischievous smile spreads across her face and she nods greedily. I'll tell the photographer to take two photos.

As I reach the M&G area, I hide Paige behind the curtains, and then I walk in front of the curtains. Looking at the long line I see; smiling girls, talkative boys and girls, and just people crying or screaming. Aw, fangirls. Yes I know what that is, I may be 22 but that doesn't mean I'm not hip.

Taking pictures with all of my fans I remember one. Yasmin.

"Hey Yasmin!" I wave to her who looks a lot older than she did 7 months ago.

"You remember me?" She shutters.

"Yea, you're the reason Paige and I are together as a family now" I smile.

"Does Paige remember me?" Yasmin whispers.

"In fact she does, she's been wanting to visit you but we've been so busy. Actually wait a second," I respond pulling Paige out from behind the curtain.

"You ruined my cover!" Paige groans turning around seeing Yasmin. Both of their faces light up from seeing each other, and they scream. Everyone is recording this little moment, and I motion to the photographer to take the picture. As Paige and Yasmin engulf each other into a hug, I stand up on my tippy toes so my head is just above their heads and throw a peace sign with a genuine smile. Best M&G pose ever though.

After M&G Paige and I rush to the mini buffet since she's going to be playing guitar for me most of the concert and singing with me. So, she needs to prepare. Her and Bea are sharing a dressing room and I'm very excited about that. The two of them are practically inseparable. She probably opens up to her about many things too. As I'm stuffing my face with strawberries Paige and Bea come rushing out of their dressing room with huge smiles on their faces.

"Mom guess what?" Paige practically shouts. Nodding my head for her to continue, she does.

"Bea and I are singing Young blood together, and she helped pick out my outfit!" She exclaims showing off her outfit. Paige is wearing black leggings with floral combat boots. Her hair is in a high pony, and someone dipdyed the ends of her hair a silver blue. Her shirt is a black floral crop top that has a slit on the shoulders. Between the slits there's a little black bow. Man, Bea did good. Smiling, I nod my head and swallow the chunk of strawberry, shivering from the pain of it going down my throat.

Getting ready for my show, Bea is performing with Paige right now. I have someone out there recording it for me. As I'm scrolling through my Twitter news feed I begin to stalk accounts. One of them was a Jonas brothers fanpage. Scrolling through their tweets I see one that says "Nick was in a jewelry store buying a ring?!? OMG!" And below is a picture of Nick holding a ring in the jewelry store. He's proposing to someone? But who is he dating? Olivia maybe. Wait, no they broke up in late September. Is it for me? Shaking the thought out of my head, I shut off my phone and set it down. Cooperating for Jill.

"What's up Chicagoo!" I beam through the microphone. Screaming people respond. "I'm going to have a special someone stay on stage with me all night. Please welcome, Paige!" I exclaim in the mic as the crowd goes wild.

A smiling Paige walks out with a guitar over her shoulder. Waving to the audience just like I did when I would perform. She's playing guitar for me when ever I need it. Then she'll join me on stage for "Neon Lights."

After I'm done singing "Give your Heart a Break," I rush backstage to change. Paige is already dressed and ready to go on stage. Smiling broadly. She's wearing a pink dress, that's neon and has her hair waved out. Bright pink lip stick on and fake eye lashes. She has neon pink converse on also. Patting her back I run to my dressing room.

"Baby when they look up at the sky, we'll be shooting stars just passing by. You'll be coming home with me tonight. And we'll be burning up like Neon Lights," Paige begins singing while walking out on stage. As I start the next verse I go through the song like I usually would if I was singing it alone. Paige is standing by the drummer clapping her hands to the beat, causing me to smile. Once the chorus starts one of my dancers help her down and she comes over by me. I wrap my arm around her neck and lay my head on hers.

I let Paige take the last verse and she hits every note perfectly.

"Thanks for coming to Demi world tour!" She shouts. "Let's give a big scream for my mom," the crowd then bursts into screams and I can't help but laugh. Paige and I hold hands and bow then being lowered into the stage.

"Oh my god I did it!" Paige screams jumping up and down.

Holding her shoulders I look her in the eyes, "I'm so proud of you baby girl."

Paige and I walk back to the tour bus after getting dressed into pajamas. Paige is busy texting someone and she looks up for a brief moment. I'm walking backwards so I can carry my conversation on with her. Dropping her phone and opening her mouth she mouths something. Not understating what she said, I turn around and scream.


An: if you thought I would kill Paige you were wrong. I would never kill her off. Well not making promises there. But this chapter was so cute. Besides the end but, oh well

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