Fights Chapter 11.

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Paige's pov-

We finally finished touring in Europe and I've never been so calm. Nick and Demi have been spending SO much time together. Almost every night this week I was either home alone or Marissa came to hang out with me, so Demi and Nick could go off to who knows where.

As I was laying in bed listening to Nick and Demi gush over each other, I heard something fall. I got up to see if anything fell in my bathroom, but nothing. I inspected the whole entire upstairs and nothing was there. I'm now knocking on Demi's door but I hear a small yelp.

"Demi?" I ask opening the door a little. No answer. I hear shuffling on the bed and just walk into the room. The door somehow slams open and a naked Demi and Nick look at me. My eyes grow wide, and I begin to scream and run out of the room.

"My eyes!! Lord give me mercy. My eyes. It burns. It's burns!" I shout running into my room. As I try to wash out the image I just saw by going on Twitter. I hear yelling coming from Demi's room. Great. Since I'm a sneaky motherfucker I somehow sneak into the room and lay on the ground next to the bed. Hearing the whole conversation.

"Why the hell did you leave the door unlocked?" Nick shouts at Demi.

"I thought I locked it," Demi screams back.

"Don't raise your voice at me!" Nick exclaims. Then I hear a slap and some noise come out of someone's mouth.

"What the hell.." I mutter quiet enough only for me to hear.

But..who slapped who?

"I'll, I'll be going now," Nick stutters.

"Wait Nick!" Demi croaks out. And in 2 seconds Nick is out of the house. What the fuck just happened?

I hear Demi collapse on to her bed and soon I can tell she was bawling her eyes out. Do I comfort her? Do I sneak out and walk back in?

Instead of getting up and making her feel better, I freeze up and listen to Demi cry.

Demi stopped crying about an hour ago, and she didn't even budge from her bed. Even when someone decided to call my phone and my ringtone was blaring. Now I am truly worried.

Knowing if I try comforting Demi, she'll just push me away, I leave her room and walk to my room. Not caring if she found out I heard everything.

Demi's pov-

Why would I slap him? How could I be so stupid? I wasn't thinking straight. What if it was Paige? I would have slapped her. I could never. But I thought that I would never ever slap Nick and here I am. I hear the floor creak, and I look towards the door to see Paige leave my room.

Wait. Leave my room? Was she in here the whole time? I want to talk to Paige, but I can't. I just can't. She probably thinks Nick slapped me. Isn't that swell?

Approximately 5 minutes after Paige left my room, I hear a loud crash. And a small scream. My first instinct is to get up and go find out what that noise was. But my heart is telling me to stay and not to move.

So I lay there, and I stay in that position probably for an hour. Now extremely worried that something terrible happened, and I didn't do anything about it I scurry to my feet and run to Paige's room.

Broken glass is spread across the floor. Paige's telephone is on her bed, lighting up every few seconds from Twitter notifications. Stuck to a piece of glass is a note.

"You're lucky you didn't come in when you heard the noise. I would of killed you and Paige as soon as you walked in." The note read.

Gasping for air I clumsily run back to my room to call 9-1-1. But before I could call for help, I fall to the ground from being so dizzy. As I'm laying there about to pass out someone runs in the house.

"Demi?" They breath.

"Someone just took Paige to their car." They state gasping for breath. "Did you know that?" It's Nick. Nick saw someone take her, and he didn't even ask Paige what was going on?

"Paige wasn't suppose to leave the house," I finally say.

"What do you mean?" Nick asks. Confusion and worry mixed in his voice.

"Paige, Paige was being kidnapped," and then the whole word goes black as Nick punches the wall in anger. I mean he just lost a young girl who is like his daughter. Maybe punching a hole was unnecessary..
An: happy Halloween ! Hope yall enjoyed this update. You won't be seeing another update until Sunday! Comment and vote!

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