Scaring gone wrong chapter 2.

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Paige's pov-

As mom and I are walking back to the tour bus, and I pretend to listen to her blabbing about something. I glare up every few minutes. As I glare up once more I see a person in all black with something in their hand. Dropping my phone my mouth opens wide and I mouth "run" to my mother.

Mom turns around to see the person, and screams at the top of her lungs. She grabs a hold of my wrists trying to drag me away from the mysterious man, but I stop her to grab my phone. Well, she doesn't stop because she ended up pulling my sweater off, and thinks I'm still with her. My priorities are jacked up I swear.

Scurrying to my phone I snatch it and dart off towards the way Demi went. My wrists, being grabbed once again. I turn around and see the masked man. "Paige, come with me," the creepy man whispers.

"I'm going to kick you in the balls!" I sneer back.

"How do you know I'm not a girl?" The person chuckles.

"Because you have the balls to mess with me," I state gritting my teeth, at the strength he has on my wrists. The way he's holding on to my wrists he going to pop my vane. "Let go of me you mother fucking piece of shit!" I begin to shout.

I begin to scream some more, but I stop once the evil person pulls off their mask, revealing a laughing Nick. Breathing a sigh of relief I smack him. "You asshole." I mutter.

He finishes his round of laughter. "Paige you want to continue this scare?" He smirks. Sitting there thinking, I nod my head mischievously.

"So I want you to scream Mom at the top of your lungs and come with me. Okay?" Nick states. Nodding my head I open my mouth and scream a blood curdling, "Mom!" Receiving a muffled, "Paige I'm coming," back.

Nick and I run across the street hiding in his tour bus. He cracks a window open so we can see what mom is up to.

Demi's POV-

"Mom!" A blood curdling scream echoes through out the quietness of the dark. Wiping my tears I stand up and start to run towards where I heard my baby girl cry out.

"Paige I'm coming," I sob out. Running back towards where I last saw Paige I see broken pieces of glass, and a note. Fumbling to grab the note, I finally get a firm grasp on it.

"You broke up with me? I break your beloved daughter- xox N"

I crumble the note in my hand, and look around at where I am. I can't do this. She's probably already dead.

Reaching for the walkie-talkie Max gave me once I reached my tour bus. "Max," I cry, "I can't find her. Send out a search party. I'll be in the tour bus."

I limp back to my tour bus. Hurdling myself on to my bed. Letting out loud cries. "Paige," I shriek out. "She's gone."

I let my self cry myself to sleep.

Paige's pov-

"Nickkkk," I whine kicking him awake. We ended up falling asleep during our scare prank. Mom is probably an emotional wreck, and she is going to be so pissed.

Waiting for Nick to adjust himself to waking up, I suddenly remember that he left a note and I have no idea what it said.

"What the fuck did that note say?" I ask.

"What time is it? Oh it's 12 p.m.. Shit. Paige" he says looking at me with pure worry in his eyes. "We need to go to Demi. Now." He chokes up. Nick rushes to the other room to get dressed leaving his phone on the bed.

Scrambling on to my feet to grab his phone I notice his messages are open. His last conversation was with "Dem."

Nick never responded so it's all messages from mom.

"Nick do you know where Paige is??"
"I can't find Paige Nick please respond and help me."

Those were all sent at 1 am. The last text message was sent at 5 am.

"Nick, I love you. But I can't live on life without Paige. I'm not killing myself, in just running away and changing everything about me. I love you so much Nick and if you ever find Paige tell her she's my babygirl okay? Bye Nick. It was fun while it lasted."

Dropping Nicks phone I hop out of his tour bus and race towards Demi's bus. Tears streaming down my face. "Mom!" I cry. "Mommy are you here?" I shout while rushing into her bus. I look around the whole bus. She left everything. Everything.

I throw myself on to her bed, bursting into a fit of tears. I lost the best Mom ever. Why would she just leave me? Why would I mess with her like that? I trudge into the bathroom and look around. I grab the blade a look at my red face teary reflection. Placing it on my wrist, I close my eyes and embrace myself knowing I'm going to ruin everything again.

Letting a tear drop fall, I get one cut done.



An: hey I'm so sorry that I didn't update for a while. I had terrible writers block. But I'm going to try to update again today so yay!:)

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