Dont worry i love you chapter 3.

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Nicks pov-

After getting dressed I grab my phone and jog outside. Paige thinks Demi left. I continue jogging behind my bus and see Demi leaning against the bus head in hands. I grab her right hand and kiss it.

"You okay Lovato?" I wonder, kneeling next to her.

"I heard her screaming my name. It was obvious she was crying. Nick, I think we went too far," she looks up at me tears bundling in her eyes. Placing my hand on her cheek, I pull her in for a short kiss.

"Dems, it's okay baby. Let's just go to your tour bus and tell her it was all a joke." I reassure her lacing my fingers with hers.

"Okay, Jonas lets go," she winks dragging me to her bus.

"You stay outside and I'll run inside to see her okay?" I state to Demi who looks worried. "She's fine. I promise," I say, before rushing into the bus.

"Paige?" I shout. I hear a small cling, further in the bus. I know that sound all too well.

Now, running to the back of the bus I look around not seeing Paige anywhere. "Please don't be in the bathroom." I think to myself. I bust the bathroom door open and see Paige having her left hand to the side and fixing her hair with her right.

"Paige they caught Demi at the airport. " I breathe.

"Oh?" she mumbles. I grab her left hand to drag her outside so she could see Demi. When I grab her hand I feel a warm liquid touch my hand. Looking down I see blood on my hand. I look over to Paige's hand and watch her open the grip she had on something. The thing clicks to the ground, and Paige's eyes her now gushing blood hand. "Nick," she chokes out, tears running down her face. "It-it's okay P-Paige." I stutter grabbing a cloth for her hand. "Go wash it and wrap the cloth around your hand firmly." I command watching the crying teen run to take care of her wounds.

I kneel on the ground scratching my head and picking up the object that caused her hand to bleed. A blade. I feel chills go down my spine as I look at the blade. Did we make her relapse?

I grab a tissue and wrap the metal object in the tissue, throwing it away.

Paige walks out of the bathroom looking like she didn't just have a mental breakdown. "Paige," I mumble.

"What?" She smiles.

"Did you relapse?" I ask bluntly. Watching her smile fade as fast as it came. Her eyes begin to water and dart around the room. Finally looking up at me, she pulls her left sleeve up revealing small faded scars and one brand new infected cut.

I hold in my gasp, and pull Paige into a tight hug. "You can't tell Demi," she says looking me in the eyes so I know she's being serious. Nodding my head I walk back outside with her.

Demi's pov-

What is taking them so long? Is Paige okay? Did Nick find her? Did she relapse? Or worse. Did she kill her self? Shuttering at the thought, I hear the bus door open. Hearing small sniffles and Nick's booming voice. "Okay security stopped her before she could board a plane to Kenya. So we're going to pick her up, and you're going to apologize." Nick says, glancing at me.

"Why do I have to apologize? Did you not see what just happened in there?" Paige groans. "Plus it was you're idea," wait what happened in the bus? I notice Nick drop his keys, signaling for me to come out of hiding.

I sneak up behind Paige, yet she didn't hear me. As I get close to her ear, I sing "Baby when they look up at the sky". Paige whips her head around to face me. The second she sees me she launches herself on to me. "Hey babygirl." I whisper, while petting her her hair.

"I thought you left me mom," she sniffles.

As Nick and I walk back into the bus with Paige, we explain to her what happened receiving an "oh" or a simple nod every minute.

Nick ended up leaving since he's doing a show in Mississippi tomorrow. Paige and I lay in bed as the bus drives us to our next venue.

After a couple hours of watching Pixar movies I have to pee really badly. I look down to see Paige sleeping, and hearing a little snore every few seconds. Smiling, I prance into the bathroom.

After I finish my business I notice a small, shiny object in the trash. I pick up, ending up pricking my finger with it. I notice that tissue was wrapped around it, and I rip the remaining of the tissue off the metal object.

After ripping all of the tissue off, it reveals what I don't want to see. A blade. And this blade is full of blood. "Oh my god," I gasp, throwing away the blade. I rush back to the bed noticing Paige is still sleeping.

I roll Paige off her arms so she's laying straight on her back. I lift up Paige's right sleeve revealing no new marks on her wrist. I lift up her pj pant legs up to the top of her thighs, once again showing only old scars. I check her stomach which shows a bruise and that's it.

I checked everything and nothing's there. I lay back in bed and while watching a movie I hear:

"Righty tight, righty loosy?"
"No no no. You're all wrong. You can't forget the left."

Bolting up from my laying position, disturbing Paige, I grab her left arm pulling up the sleeve. There's one cut. One cut. Should I feel relieved or worried? I lie back feeling worry overflow my boddy.

"What if you're dumb prank caused her to relapse Demetria?"
"You ruin everything"
"Dumbass she'll never like you again" the voices begin to taunt me. I'll ask Paige about it tomorrow. I reassure myself, still feeling sick to my stomach. "Don't worry, I'll always love you," I whisper into her ear.

"I love you too mom."


An: hey new update! Maybe There'll be more today? I don't know?!!!? Anyways, follow me on Twitter @theherodemi
cause self promoting rules👊.

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