Fake it chapter 5.

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Demi's POV-

I have a concert today in Connecticut, and I just don't feel like my self. Paige hasn't talked to me since last night and it's honestly bothering me. I didn't do anything wrong. She did. So why am I being ignored?

Hopefully, meeting my fans and just being on stage will help me feel better.

I get dressed into a black long sleeve shirt and pull my overalls on. Tying a black and white flannel around my waist, Sugar guides me inside the venue for interviewing.

"So Demi what would you like to say to your past self?" "Was rehab life good or bad?" "Did Joe Jonas's sudden break up at the time cause you to just explode?" Why does he keep asking about my past? Is that all I'm known for? Does no one know all the words to my songs? Am I really just the girl who cut her self?

"Sugar I need to go," I tell him while the interviewer is looking through his note cards. Sugar nods and whispers in the interviewers ear that it's time to wrap it up. "Okay thanks for having me Demi." He says shaking my hand. I smile and shake his hand.

Now I'm being rushed to meet and greet, and in all honestly I feel like I'm about to burst into tears.

One by one I meet crying girls and boys. And for everyone I meet, I feel the urge to cry. I don't know if you can tell I'm having a bad day, or you'll be able to tell in the pictures but I am having a very rough day. And I have no idea what to do.

After meeting all my wonderful fans I lay down in my dressing room. And of course there's a knock on the door. "Demi," a voice whispers. I look up to see Maddie standing there. Wiping my tears I open up my arms for her to come sit with me.

After sitting in silence for a few minutes, Maddie breaks it. "Why is Paige crying non-stop? She won't get out of her bunk. She won't eat. She won't even touch her phone." I look at Maddie, surprised that she ended up blurting that out.

"Maddie, I don't know why sweetie, maybe she's having a bad day. " I respond playing with her hair.

"Oh, okay. Mom wanted me to ask you but we're going to go grab dinner. Want to come with?" Maddie mumbles.

"I'm good honey. I'm just going to hang in here." I say hugging Maddie as she begins to walk out the room. She waves goodbye and shuts the door. Leaving me with my thoughts.

I did in fact start crying as soon as Maddie left. I am in fact in a ball bawling my eyes out on the mini sofa they have in the dressing room.

I hear the door open and an inhuman noise come out of someone's mouth. Not looking up to see who it is, I continue to cry on the sofa. Crying even harder now. But I don't know why.

I feel the couch move. But I still continue to cry. Small arms wrap around my upper torso and squeeze me into a tight embrace. If this was some fan who snuck in, I wouldn't care. It feels nice to be hugged. I honestly feel loved.

The arms unwrap around me and hands grab my face. Causing me to look at the face that belongs to the person hugging me earlier.

The face looks soft with red rosy cheeks. Tear stains are very noticeable since they must of been wearing cover up and the tears wiped it away in lines. The eyes are a glossy blue, tears obviously forming in them. The hair is a very light blonde. Having a very noticeable bed head.

"Mom I'm so sorry. So sorry. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry. Sorry." Paige begins to blubber.

My heart swells up with love cause I know this apology is sincere. "It's okay Paige," I respond back pulling Paige into my arms. I can feel her shaky breathe on my neck and her tears soaking my black shirt.

"But as I was walking here someone came up to me and said that you were upset during meet and greet. And she somehow found out it was my fault and blamed me that her experience with the Demi Lovato has now been ruined," she begins to sob now.

I stare at her blankly. "Pumpkin it's not your fault. Some interviewers just said something that upset me. I'm going to talk to the audience about it tonight so it'll be okay," I reply, attempting to calm her down.

She shakes her head and hugs me around my neck. "Please don't ever leave me." Paige sniffles.

"I promise I won't ever." I say kissing the top of her head.

I did talk to the audience tonight about why I was sad. And after the show my Twitter was blown up and Paige was telling me about how they were trying to trend something.

That night Paige and I lay in bed together just looking at the little pumpkins lights hanging above it.

Paige's POV-

As mom and I lay there peacefully I feel a stinging pain in my wrist. What do I do. I feel my heart beat faster, and faster. I can tell my breathing is getting rapid. "Paige are you okay ?" Demi asks concern all over her face.

"I relapsedc" I blurt out.

Realizing what I just said I slap my forehead. "What?" Demi starts looking at me like she's about to cry "Was it because of the prank Nick and I played on you?" She whispers.

"It wasn't, it was just that I thought you left me for good. And I didn't think I could live without you. Nick stopped me before.." I stop myself. I just said that Nick knew. "Nick knew?" Demi questions me. "You told him and not me?"

"No he just caught me in the middle of it which is good", I exclaim sounding cheesy.

"You could have told me," she mumbles sounding like she's about to burst into tears. "But I'm tired lets go to sleep."

Mom reaches over to turn off her pumpkin lights, ending up leaving me in complete darkness. Alone, with the voices. I thought they were gone? They came back? I've been doing so well.

"We'll always be here"

About an hour or so of laying there listening to the voices I just can't take it anymore. It feels like I'm being stabbed with knives. Opening my eyes I look to see mom snoring.

And a flash of a second I go from looking at her while I'm awake with a smile, and then bursting into loud sobs screaming for it all to stop.

"Make it stop mom! " I shout covering my ears, hacking and crying. I can feel the tears spilling out of my eyes and Mom trying to comfort me.

"Paigey calm down. I'm not mad. It's okay. " Mom hushes me soothingly.

It takes maybe 10 minutes for me to calm down and the whole time mom has her arms wrapped around me, singing "Warrior" to me very softly.

I lay in Demi's arm and soon drift into a peaceful sleep.


An: UH hi early update cause I'm bored and wanted to update 😋

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