Be positive Chapter 36.

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Demi's Pov-

I watch Paige's face contort from happy to upset through my blurry vision. "Is she okay?" Paige whimpers quietly, so we don't cause any attention to be guided towards us. I shake my head no as more tears pour out of my eyes. Paige covers her face with her hands, and gently lays her head on my shoulder. She hugs me as I shake with sobs. "What happened?" Paige asks looking up at me with teary eyes.

"Well, her and Drew went out together, and they were drag racing. Drew went too fast, and almost rear ended a car, but he swerved and they spun. The car ended up ramming into a tree, and Drew sadly died on impact, Maddie's in a um coma." I explain trying to stop myself from shaking.

"Your lying right?" Paige laughs in disbelief. I shake my head no, and Paige grips her head. I can tell she's about to act up. Where the hell is Nick anyways the show is over?

"Paige sweetie calm down." I console her.

She looks at me as tears stream down her face. "How the fuck am I suppose to be calm when Maddie is practically dying while were at some rigged award show?" She hisses. Yep, she's acting up.

"Hey..gir" Nick stops in mid-sentence when he sees Paige. He mouths "Is she acting up?" I nod my head slowly. Nick walks up to Paige, and grabs her shoulders. He whispers something in her ear, and she calms down a little, but you could still see the anger in her eyes.

"Can we go see her?" Paige whispers as she sits back down next to me. "

No visitors until next week, or if she wakes up." I state wrapping my arm around Paige.

"You mean when she wakes up." Paige corrects me.

"Yea, when.." I reply as tears fill my eyes. When I got the message of what happened they said she probably wouldn't wake up, but I can't tell Paige that right now. I know Paige is trying her best to hold in her anger, but it's so obvious she is angry.

We drive home in silence. Nick holds my hand as I stare out the window letting tears dot my face. I look back, and see Paige on her phone typing away. "Whatchya typing pumpkin?" I ask breaking the silence.

"Just a tweet." She mutters as she locks her phone. My phone buzzes as I see that Paige has tweeted something. I log onto Twitter, and read her tweet.

@Paigelovatoox: Thanks to everyone who voted their asses to help me win and for that I''ll be announcing something special on Tuesday night. Stay tuned.

"Oh mom by the way here's Gwen Stefani's number," Paige says handing me a little note that has a number printed on it.

"Why'd you give me this?" I chuckle as Paige's eyes light up probably remembering why she gave me the number.

"Gwen wants to write a song with me!" She exclaims with a huge smile on her face.

"Excuse me, aren't you suppose to finish school before you continue in the music industry?" I remind her raising my eyebrows.

"I know, but what about over Thanksgiving break. Oh please mom." She pleads with puppy dog eyes.

"I'll think about it." I state turning back to look out the window. I hear her groan in the backseat.

When we reach home Paige races up the stairs right away probably to facetime Shawn, or her internet friends. Nick and I both walk up to bed together, but then he walks out again probably to go write e-mails, or to make a phone call.

I change into sweats, and a big shirt. I plop down onto the bed thinking about what happened today. My baby sister is dying slowly in Texas as I'm here in L.A. going to award shows, and all that shit. My eyes then fill with tears at the fact that my sister is dying over stupid teenage things. "Nick." I gasp as I realize I'm having a panic attack. I hear heavy footsteps come running into the room, and I can tell he jumped on the bed. Tears sting my eyes as I continue to cry out. I feel his muscular arms wrap around me as I sob out.

"I can't lose my babygirl Nick." I sob out as he hugs me tightly.

"Ssh calm down Dems." Nick cooes me as I continue to sob my eyes out.

"My life will be incomplete if I lose her she can't die Nick." I cry out gripping onto him for my life. I then hear a little sneeze, and I know right away that wasn't Nick. I look up from my teary vision, and see a small figure standing in the door way. I rub my eyes to get rid of the tears, so I could see clearly. Standing in the hall is Paige wearing her Demi World Tour t-shirt, and pink plaid booty shorts. Her face is clean of the makeup she wore at the VMA'S today, but now covering her soft cheeks is tear tracks. In her hand is car keys, and a note. Shit why did we get her driver's license last week, she's going to run away. I watch Nick stand up to walk towards Paige, but she takes off down the stairs, and then I hear the front door slam.



Twitter: @theherodemi

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