Sing me to sleep chapter 38.

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Demi's pov-

Knowing that Paige is safe with my family calms me a little, but I know what Paige over heard hurt her feelings. Who knows how much she heard too. Tomorrow morning Nick and I will get on a plane to Texas, and go get Paige. School starts next week, and she still needs supplies. I sigh, and roll over to face a snoring Nick. I snuggle up into him, and soon fall asleep myself.

"Rise and shine beautiful." Nick murmurs pecking my nose. I smile softly, and look up at him over me. He has a giant smile on his face that is so contagious. I move my face closer to his, and kiss his lips quickly, and then run out of the room to make breakfast. "You tease!" I hear him shout, and I can't help but laugh at him.

Soon Nick and I are boarding first class on a plane to Dallas, and I tried to call Paige to tell her we're on our way, but she didn't answer. "She's probably sleeping." I tell myself hoping it'll calm me down. It doesn't, so I try to talk to Nick hoping it'll stop my mind from over worrying.

Paige's pov-

"Bea push faster." I scream as she pushes me in a shopping cart in a vaccant parking lot. We're racing some of Maddie's and Bea's friends. The losers are suppose to buy everyone who didn't lose slurpees, and a snack from 7/11. Bea and I eventually reach the end of the parking lot which is what we're considering the finish line. Of course Bea and I were last which means we'll be buying the group that we're with which includes, 6 people, one snack and slurpee each.

"I don't want to buy anything." I whine as we all walk to 7/11.

"Shut up Paige your a singer, and both of your parents are singers it's not like you're poor." Patrick retorts shoving me into Bea who's attempting to take a selfie with Alicia.

"Watch out." Bea snarls at me causing everyone to laugh.

While Bea and I are splitting the cost of everyone's food and drinks someone calls my phone. I look at the caller ID noticing it's my mom ,and just let it ring.

"Why'd you hang up on her?" Sam asks looking at me confusedly.

"I'm trying to be a teenager for once in my life and I don't want her bugging me." I explain as we walk out of 7/11.

"Didn't Demi tell you stay at the hospital till she got there?" Bea wonders in between slurps. I shrug my shoulders continuing the walk to where we were earlier.

It's been about two hours since mom called me, and it's just Bea, Alicia, and I left since everyone had to go home. I try to turn on my phone to check the time, but I notice my phone died. "Alicia what time is it?" I question shoving my phone in my bra.

"3:30." Alicia responds continuing to type away at who ever she's texting. I hear Bea get up, and walk away from us.

"Where you going Beatrice?" I smirk getting up to follow her. I stand awkwardly behind Bea as she whispers into the phone.

"Hey Bea, Paige, my mom's here." Alicia says waving goodbye as she hops in the car.

Bea gets off the phone a minute later, and she's looking at me with tears in her eyes. "We have to go back to the hospital." Bea mutters as she drags me to the car I parked about four hours ago. I have to drive since Bea doesn't have her license yet, so I drive to the hospital a nervous wreck.

I park the car outside the ICU, and run inside Bea following close behind me. "Can you tell me what happened?" I pant as we scurry to the waiting room where Dianna and Eddie should be. Bea shakes her head looking down, and doesn't say a word.

We reach the waiting room, and I see my parents sitting on their suitcases. Before I could walk up to them Bea pulls me back, "They think you got stolen." She whispers.

"And you were crying because of that?" I snort a little too loudly causing Nick to look towards our direction.



"Whatever I'm going to go by them." I state walking away from Bea who's face palming her self.

I walk out in front of my parents, and plop my self on the cold tile ground sitting indian style. I hear Dianna and Eddie mumbling probably about me. Mom first looks up, and the second she sees me her jaw drops, and she pokes dad. Dad then looks up himself, and pulls me into a tight embrace.

"I told you to stay at the hospital!" Mom yells causing me to cringe at how embarrasing she is.

"Paige you're in so much trouble." Dad says sternly.

I watch Bea creep out from behind the wall, and sit next to Eddie. "So why were you crying?" I blurt out breaking the silence.

"Bea you didn't tell her?" Mom mumbles grabbing my hand. Oh no this is bad.

"Just tell me god dammit." I screech causing my voice to crack.

"I wouldn't know how to deal with her if she got angry." Bea explains rubbing her temples. I furrow my eyebrows, and look at eveyone in the room. Dianna and Eddie are both silenlty crying into each other, and Bea is smiling at me as the tears drip down her face. Dad is looking at me with a concerned face, and mom is doing the same thing as Bea excpet I'm in her arms.

"Paige try your best not to get mad, I know you can't control it, just try okay?" Mom sniffles. I nod slowly scared to see where this conversation is going to end.

"Well, the doctors told us Maddie won't be waking up because her brain shut down." I can already feel the tears welling in my eyes. "So they told us it was best if we took her off life support, and we did. She actually woke up for about five minutes, but then she said she was tired, and she laid down to fall asleep. As soon as her head hit the pillow, and her eyes closed the heart monitor stopped. She died Paige, and they tried to revive her, but they couldn't. I'm so sorry."

Double update because Thanksgiving! Comment and vote!


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