Fuck it chapter 8.

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Paige's pov-

NO. I can't die right now. No fucking way. I'm only 15, Demi needs to be happy for the rest of her life. But I don't know if she could be happy without me.

I have the ability to move now but I can only hear my thoughts. I get up and begin to jump around like a physco hoping it'll get my heart going.

I run around and hit a wall. "Ow," I moan. Then I get an idea.

"Don't let me die God. Please!" I screech banging on the wall. I punch the wall as hard as I could knocking it down, revealing a bright light.

"Paige you aren't dead. The heart monitor is messed up. You have to try to wake up or you'll be in a coma for a while. They can bury you alive," The light whispers, disappearing seconds later.

I sit on the white floor thinking, how can I show I'm alive and not dead, but the thinking has caused me to get bored and I fall asleep.

When I wake up I hear loud sobs. "Demi just tweet about it." Someone says softly. "But how can I tweet about my daughters death. It's been a week and I've practically finished my tour." Demi cries.

I've been dead for a week? Holy shit. How come they didn't bury me yet? Maybe Demi knows I'm actually alive.

"I'm not letting them put that sheet over her. There's no way she's dead," Demi sniffles, probably rubbing her eyes.

That's it I have to wake up. I'll scream, and hopefully it won't actually kill me.

I plug my ears and scream as loud as I can, knocking myself out.

Demis pov-

I finished my North American leg of my tour last night and it was an amazing night, I wish Paige was there though.

I'm now sitting In the hospital room thinking that it's time to announce she's dead, and allow the funeral to happen. Grabbing my phone I prepare myself for a crazy rampage of tweets from, well, everyone.

@ddlovato: hey guys, over a week ago heaven gained a beautiful young angel and all they tried to do was save my life, and they died for me. So if you see this, I love you.

Minutes later my notifications on Twitter are blowing up. With tweets like

"Oh my god Demi we love you."
"I'm praying for you and the family who lost their young child!"

I stalk a couple of accounts and one smarty pants has figured out who passed

"Guys what if Paige was the one who died? I mean Demi's been curving any questions about her in interviews ,and no one has seen Paige since Demi's last show in Canada."

I scroll through my timeline hearing Paige's phone buzz in the background. I also hear a clang. Turning around faster then roadrunner, I see nothing different. But I swear Paige has a sly smile on her mouth.

Maybe I'm crazy and Paige has been dead. Maybe Paige never existed. Tears are now flowing easily down my face.

My phone bings from a Twitter notification letting me know someone has tweeted. The notification stops me from crying.

@Paigel101: @ddlovato I hope you know I never died.

I drop my phone and I pinch myself. I then hear a rumble of giggles erupt from someone's mouth.

"I can't laugh anymore so turn around and acknowledge me already. It hurts to talk," A very raspy voice commands.

"Paige?" I wonder out loud slowly turning my body towards my so called dead daughter.

Apparently she isn't dead because I can see her smile and bright eyes open."I hope you know you can't get rid of me that easily." She whispers

I know I shouldn't, but I do indeed launch myself onto the hospital bed.

After an hour of her being awake and it now being easier for her to talk I blurt out "How come you pushed me out of the way?"

Paige sighs and looks me in the eyes "Well if you died, so would many others. If I died, no one would die for me because I haven't saved any lives," She sighs, scratching her wrists.

I grab Paige by her wrist causing her to glance up at me. "I love you so much, please don't think like that." I whisper still having a firm grasp on her wrists. "And don't even think about relapsing."

"Well when I threw myself in front of the car I also thought "Fuck it" so..." She states, laughing at her self.

I smile, "Well let's leave this fucking hospital and get some new clothes for Europe." I'm now smiling big, causing Paige to smile even bigger.

I sign the discharge papers and walk with Paige hand in hand out of my daughters almost death place.



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