After hearing the news everyone was getting hyped, all except one that is.

Midoriya was sitting in his seat, deep in thought...

'Everything is happening out of order, drastically so at that. I don't believe that anything is really going to change this go around, there will definitely be a villain attack, almost guaranteed to be the League, I don't want anything bad to happen this time around, and now I have Eri to look after as well. There's just so many things that are different, *mutter-mutter* ' It took a few minutes of Midoriya's muttering before he realized he was attracting attention to himself, everyone was looking at him, confused and concerned, 'Why are they concerned? They've heard me mutter like that before...' He then looked down and saw Eri looking scared at him, 'Crap! '

"A-are you ok-okay?" Eri asked, clearly tearing up a little. Midoriya immediately felt horrible, he gave her a hug as he said,

"Yeah sorry about that, Im just fine, honest! I do this a lot..."

She nods back to him before deciding to sit on his knee for the rest of the class, "Alright then, but Im gonna protect you from the muttering." She said with a pouting face making the class laugh off his muttering as the day continued.

- Back at the dorms -

It was around 9pm at this point and Midoriya had just tucked Eri into bed, she slept quite soundly all the time and the nightmares she normally had have started disappearing. Midoriya sighed as he finished tucking her in before sitting in one of the chairs in his room and looking at the news on his phone.

He was distracted from this when he heard a quiet knocking at his door.

'Who would be knocking on my door at 9 30 at night?? ' He stood up from his chair before saying, "Come in, just be quiet." There was a pause before the door started opening revealing Uraraka behind the door in her PJ's and a blanket, she wore a worried look on her face. "U-uraraka? Is everything alright?" He asked noticing her look.

"W-well, yes but n-no... Can you... come with me for a second?" She asked without looking at him, she was trying to advert her eyes the whole time.

"S-sure..." he noticed she was wearing shoes so he went to put on his shoes before following her. She took him down to the first floor where she led him outside. They continued walking in silence, Midoriya following the whole way. He was about to ask her what was going on but was cut off by her saying,

"We're here..."

He looked up and saw that they were at the park where All Might, Kacchan and him had trained not a year ago. When he looked at her, he saw tears in her eyes, immediately worried for his friend he grabbed her hand before looking straight into her eyes. "Uraraka san, whats wrong?" He asked with a certain determination in his eyes.

She smiled at him as she wiped her tears, "I-its nothing much to be completely honest..." she waited a second before she continued, "Well, Im not sure who saw it, but when you heard about this USJ trip, I couldn't help but notice that you were troubled by it. At first I thought that it was just you being you, but you were acting strangely, normally when you mutter its about new information and things that fascinate you, but this time you seemed worried." Midoriya was looking at her with a stunned look in his eyes before turning his face back to the water. "Are you alright Deku kun?"

He didn't answer back right away, he was thinking hard. He didn't know whether he should tell her the truth. When the class asked about his quirks, he never mentioned Everlasting once, he was worried that the others would pry about it, but he came to a conclusion. "Uraraka san, I haven't been completely honest with you, or anyone... I've been keeping a secret from you all." She didn't say anything, just listened. He sat down and she followed suit, sitting next to him. "Back on the first day of classes, when you all asked me about my quirks, I told you about them, all except two, I can't tell you about one of them, I promised not to, but the other one, it feels to me like both a blessing and a curse."

"Deku..." She put a hand on her friend's shoulder only to notice how cold he was, he was shivering a bit. She shifted closer to him and put half the blanket she was wearing on him. He looked at her and smiled before looking to the ground again.

"Its called Everlasting..." He started, he began telling her how it worked, and about everything that normally happened up to this point in time. She couldn't help but feel sorry for her friend, no, she felt that he was more than that, at the time she thought that lightness in her chest was a sign of relief, at the time she thought that made them best friends. But soon, very soon, she will discover the truth of these feelings, but for now, they can wait. . .

Okay okay, this chapter was a little odd sounding when I wrote it, especially the ending. Ah well, I needed to write this part otherwise things might seem to go too fast. Anyways, thanks for reading! Over 350 reads is unbelievable for me, so much so that I've never been so excited to write something, and I May have gone a little heavy on the word amount but nonetheless I wrote it, and I published it, and I am happy with it.

Once again thank you guys for reading, and I'll get the next part out as soon as I can!

word count: 1547

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Where stories live. Discover now